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Remove poor java rules

Isaac Dawson requested to merge remove_bad_java_rules into main
  • Remove Java Rules
    • java/cookie/rule-CookiePersistent.yml - Cookies may not contain sensitive information and should be removed to be consistent with C# rules
    • java/cookie/rule-CookieUsage.yml - Cookies may not contain sensitive information and should be removed to be consistent with C# rules
    • java/cookie/rule-RequestParamToCookie.yml - Duplicate rule of rule-HttpResponseSplitting.yml
    • java/cookie/rule-TrustBoundaryViolation.yml - Unnecessary, prone to false positives
    • java/cors/rule-PermissiveCORS.yml - The impact of setting * in a CORS response is minimal, since credentials will not be sent.
    • java/crypto/rule-DefaultHTTPClient.yml - While Apache client is deprecated, the default client will connect to a TLS1.3 only server.
    • java/endpoint/rule-UnencryptedSocket.yml - Using a non-TLS socket is perfectly acceptable in many circumstances.
    • java/endpoint/rule-InsecureServlet.yml - It's perfectly acceptable to access the data from these methods. Additionally, there is no way a customer could 'fix' this.
    • java/endpoint/rule-JaxRsEndpoint.yml - Incomplete rule, original SpotBugs rule is too broad and prone to false positives.
    • java/endpoint/rule-JaxWsEndpoint.yml - Incomplete rule, original SpotBugs rule is too broad and prone to false positives.
    • java/file/rule-FileUploadFileName.yml - This is a source not a sink.
    • java/form/rule-FormValidate.yml - ActionForm/ValidatorForm is from Struts 1.1, which was EoL'd 2013.
    • java/inject/rule-AWSQueryInjection.yml - SimpleDB, while still technically supported, is deprecated and no longer available to new accounts.
    • java/inject/rule-BeanPropertyInjection.yml - Apache common collections 3 is no longer available and only works on Java 1.3.
    • java/inject/rule-CustomInjectionSQLString.yml - Prone to false positives and rules do not necessarily match variables that will be used in a SQL query.
    • java/inject/rule-PathTraversalIn.yml - Logic handled better by rule-SpotbugsPathTraversalAbsolute.yml.
    • java/inject/rule-PathTraversalOut.yml - Logic handled better by rule-SpotbugsPathTraversalAbsolute.yml.
    • java/ldap/rule-EntryPoisoning.yml - $SCOPE could legitimately have a value, logic handled better by inject/rule-LDAPInjection.
    • java/password/rule-HardcodeKeySuspiciousName.yml - Secrets scanning should be used instead. (gitlab-org/gitlab#368492 (closed))
    • java/password/rule-HardcodeKeySuspiciousValue.yml - Secrets scanning should be used instead. (gitlab-org/gitlab#368492 (closed))
    • java/perm/rule-OverlyPermissiveFilePermissionObj.yml - Logic handled better by java/perm/rule-OverlyPermissiveFilePermissionInline.yml.
    • java/strings/rule-ImproperUnicode.yml - Code quality issue more than a security issue.
    • java/unsafe/rule-InformationExposure.yml - Printing stack trace information to the local machine is perfectly acceptable.
    • java/unsafe/rule-InformationExposureVariant2.yml - Printing stack trace information to the local machine is perfectly acceptable.
    • java/xml/rule-ApacheXmlRpc.yml - Apache Xml RPC was deprecated in 2013.
    • java/xss/rule-RequestWrapper.yml - Appears to be a custom rule, stripXSS() is not a valid override.
    • java/xss/rule-XSSServlet.yml - Duplicate of java/xss/rule-XSSReqParamToServletWriter.yml
    • java/xss/rule-XSSServletParameter.yml This is a source not a sink.
    • java/xxe/rule-XPathXXE.yml - Rule matches a hardcoded variable name, and has no namespace/import associated with it. Better XXE rule required.
    • java/xxe/rule-Trans.yml - Duplicate of java/xml/rule-XsltTransform.yml with less information.


Edited by Connor Gilbert

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