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Revert !101

Craig Smith requested to merge revert-flawfinder-primary-id-changes into main

What does this MR do?

In !101 (merged) the primary identifiers were updated in that:

This MR uses only the first component of the primary identifier so that we no longer generate very long primary identifiers and that they map to a distinct native analyzer rule.

Changing the primary identifiers in this way means that if these rules were to be used in semgrep, all existing customer vulnerability findings would be auto-resolved, and new ones would be created in their place.

This MR reverts that change so that sast-rules can become the SSoT for all semgrep rules without affecting customers' vulnerability findings.

Related discussion: gitlab-org/security-products/analyzers/semgrep!249 (comment 1374137046)

Note: This MR also changes the primary identifiers of find_sec_bugs_scala which were not included in the original MR. I decided to do this because I don't think find_sec_bugs_scala has been released, and to maintain consistency which will make any future changes simple.

Related issue

gitlab-org/gitlab#390908 (closed)

Edited by Craig Smith

Merge request reports