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Prioritized labels

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Other labels

  • Issues which are frequently duplicated, tracked for ease of finding duplicates.
  • frontend
    Issues for the Frontend team. Covers everything related to the way GitLab behaves (and, to an extent, looks) inside your browser.
  • frontend-initiative
    Frontend-wide initiatives with a cross-functional impact
  • frontend-weight1
    (Trivial) The problem is very well understood, no extra investigation is required, the exact solution is already known and just needs to be implemented, no surprises are expected, and no coordination with other teams or people is required.
  • frontend-weight2
    (Small) The problem is well understood and a solution is outlined, but a little bit of extra investigation will probably still be required to realize the solution.
  • frontend-weight3
    (Medium) Features that are well understood and relatively straightforward. Bugs that are relatively poorly understood and may not yet have a suggested solution.
  • frontend-weight4
    (Medium) Features that are well understood and relatively straightforward but still need a good deal of work. Bugs that are relatively poorly understood and may not yet have a suggested solution. Includes some tasks that might be hard to test.
  • frontend-weight5
    (Large) Features that are well understood, but known to be hard. Bugs that are very poorly understood, and will not have a suggested solution.
  • frontend-weight8
    Very large features that usually require the dedication of a FE for the full length of the milestone.
  • Project management surrounding the Fulfillment team
  • fuzzingcoverage
    Used to identify issues & MRs that are related to coverage guided fuzzing
  • fuzzingprotocol
    Used to identify issues & MRs that are related to protocol fuzzing
  • gdk-performance
    GDK Performance theme - All things relating to GDK performance.
  • gdk-reliability
    GDK Reliability theme - All things relating to GDK reliability.
  • gdk-usability
    GDK Usability theme - All things relating to GDK usability.
  • gdk:broken
    This label is used to track broken GDK incidents and their fixes.
  • gdpr
    All GDPR-related issues
  • geoactive
    Issues that are part of the Build phase. They are planned and ready for development, and have been scheduled for work