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Labels 2,883

  • master-broken incidents caused by a bug in the CI configuration
  • master-broken incident caused by dependency upgrades to Ruby version, Node version, gem versions, etc..
  • This is to indicate master broken incidents caused by external dependency issues such as npm registry down, down, etc.
  • This label represents a broken master pipeline caused by failing to pull docker image from the image registry.
  • master-broken incidents caused by flaky tests
  • master-broken incidents occurred in fork repos, main FOSS and JiHu, due to code changes to the Gitlab main repo that does not have any test coverage for running in a fork repo.
  • master-brokengitaly
    This label is for master broken incidents occured because gitaly is failed to setup. See example: gitlab-org/quality/engineering-productivity/master-broken-incidents#625
  • This label describes a broken master scenario with the error "Gitlab is unable to handle this request due to load."
  • master-broken incidents caused by various infrastructure issue such as network error, runner memory limit reached, etc.
  • This label represents a broken master pipeline caused by failing to pull docker image from the image registry.
  • This label describes a broken master scenario with the error "Gitlab is unable to handle this request due to load."
  • When master pipeline incident occurs due to the runner having no disk space left.
  • This label is to identify master broken incidents caused by job timing out
  • Broken master pipelines caused by bugs introduced to the repo due to missing test coverage
  • Master broken incidents caused by db:migrate:multi-version-upgrade job, see example: gitlab-org/quality/engineering-productivity/master-broken-incidents#5982
  • master-broken incidents caused by merging two merge requests impacting the outcomes of the same spec, potentially resulted in delayed pipeline feedback, would have been avoided if merge train is enabled
  • master-broken incidents caused by MR being merged without running a new pipeline
  • When master pipeline incident occurs due to the runner having no disk space left.
  • Test data state leaked through test cases. The same as ~"flaky-test::state leak" but it's considered broken because it's almost always happening. See
  • master-broken incidents caused by gap in the test selection process, meaning the tests that would have caught the issue was mistakenly filtered out via MR pipeline test selection.