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Add version check job

Adam Cohen requested to merge add-version-check-stage into master

What does this MR do?

This MR adds the version-check job from container scanning into the analyzer.yml template so all Go-based analyzers can benefit from the script.

The purpose of this new version-check is to ensure that the version reported by the analyzer using the --version flag matches the latest version in the file. This is necessary now that a scan.scanner.version field is being added to the reports generated by our analyzers, as part of Add scanner, report_type to SAST, CS, DS reports.

This version-check stage has the following behaviour:

  • If the app.Version value is not configured, for example gemnasium doesn't define this value, then version-check will output a warning and return a 0 status code. This will allow us to immediately use this version-check script in all analyzer projects without altering existing behaviour:

    • and urfave/cli <= v1.22.2 is used:

      [INFO] [klar] [2020-07-29T02:01:50Z] ▶ GitLab klar analyzer v0.0.0
      Warning: analyzer binary does not have a version configured. 
      Please update the analyzer binary version to match the most recent version in
      Job succeeded
    • and urfave/cli >= v1.22.3 is used:

      [INFO] [klar] [2020-07-29T02:10:16Z] ▶ GitLab klar analyzer v
      [FATA] [klar] [2020-07-29T02:10:16Z] ▶ flag provided but not defined: -version
      Warning: analyzer binary does not have a version configured. 
      Please update the analyzer binary version to match the most recent version in
      Job succeeded     

    Note: the reason why we need logic to support both urfave/cli <= v1.22.2 and >= v1.22.3 is because of the following bugfix which changed the version behaviour.

  • If the app.Version value is configured, for example in klar

What are the relevant issue numbers?

gitlab-org/gitlab#232757 (closed)


All four scenarios have been tested - click on the links in the This version-check stage has the following behaviour section above

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?

Edited by Fabien Catteau

Merge request reports