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Fix broken master build due to increased image size

Adam Cohen requested to merge fix-broken-check-image-size-test into master

What does this MR do?

This MR fixes a broken master build because the image size has increased from 148499774 bytes to 149241074 bytes, a difference of 741300 bytes (741.3 kb).

The increased size is due to the apk upgrade command installing updated packages in the image:

Cmp   Size  Command                                                                          
    5.6 MB  FROM sha256:e6688e91                                                             
    104 MB  addgroup -g 1000 node     && adduser -u 1000 -G node -s /bin/sh -D node     && a 
    7.8 MB  apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps-yarn curl gnupg tar   && for key in     
     116 B  #(nop) COPY file:238737301d47304174e4d24f4def935b29b3069c03c72ae8de97d94624382fc 
-   286 MB  set -ex;     apk upgrade --update-cache --available;         apk add --no-cache  
+   287 MB  set -ex;     apk upgrade --update-cache --available;         apk add --no-cache
    6.3 MB  #(nop) COPY file:99f7b784b3679e7267c51046529bbe5bc8368a87e6b74bec71d913c4b37a403 

What are the relevant issue numbers?

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?

Edited by Adam Cohen

Merge request reports