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Draft: Remove graphql api fetch of artifacts

Igor Frenkel requested to merge remove-graphql-api-use into main

What does this MR do?

This MR removes reliance on the graphql api to fetch analyzer job artifacts because CI_JOB_TOKEN has had its scope reduced:

ci-templates have been updated to follow the old path for getting the artifacts by overriding the artifacts directive of the analyzer job: gitlab-org/security-products/ci-templates!383 (merged)

The test showing the docker image for this branch is here: Draft: Test integration-test without graphql call (gemnasium!739 - closed) • Igor Frenkel • 17.1

What are the relevant issue numbers?

Integration test fails because of invalid token... (gitlab-org/gitlab#460891 - closed) • Igor Frenkel • 17.0

Edited by Igor Frenkel

Merge request reports