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Fix remediation data field to fixed_version, add docker file, update regex and remove duplication

Zamir Martins requested to merge fix_remediation_field_and_logic into master

Issue discovered while investigating !13 (comment 562017394)


[INFO] [Trivy] [2021-04-28 23:50:08 +0000] []  ▶  diff --git a/centos8-Dockerfile b/centos8-Dockerfile
index dd95913..6180da2 100644
--- a/centos8-Dockerfile
+++ b/centos8-Dockerfile
@@ -1 +1,5 @@
 FROM centos:8
+RUN yum -y check-update || { rc=$?; [ $rc -neq 100 ] && exit $rc; yum update -y openssl-libs; } && yum clean all
+RUN yum -y check-update || { rc=$?; [ $rc -neq 100 ] && exit $rc; yum update -y nettle; } && yum clean all
+RUN yum -y check-update || { rc=$?; [ $rc -neq 100 ] && exit $rc; yum update -y gnutls; } && yum clean all
+RUN yum -y check-update || { rc=$?; [ $rc -neq 100 ] && exit $rc; yum update -y bind-export-libs; } && yum clean all
Edited by Zamir Martins

Merge request reports