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Output scan object in report

Adam Cohen requested to merge add-scanner-details-to-config into master

What does this MR do?

This MR adds Scanner and ScanType options to the Config struct, which will allow client projects to configure the scan object (implemented in Add Scan object with scanner and type to report) to the report output


func main() {
  app := cli.NewApp()
  app.Commands = command.NewCommands(command.Config{
    ArtifactName: command.ArtifactNameDependencyScanning,
    Scanner: issue.ScannerDetails{
      ID:      "my-scanner",
      Name:    "my awesome scanner",
      Version: "v1.0.0",
      Vendor: issue.Vendor{
      	Name: issue.VendorName,
      URL: issue.ScannerURL(id),

What are the relevant issue numbers?

gitlab-org/gitlab#202053 (closed)

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?

Edited by Adam Cohen

Merge request reports