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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.

Other labels

  • Label used for the CloudBlue Connect integration project
  • Label used for the CloudBlue Connect integration project
  • Label used for the CloudBlue Connect integration project
  • Label used for the CloudBlue Connect integration project
  • cm-scorecard-rec
    Recommendations from Category Maturity Scorecard interviews
  • coach will finish
    Community contributions that have stalled, and need to be picked up by a merge request coach:
  • code completion
    To classify GitLab Duo Code Suggestions into the specific sub-type we are using. Often used to distinguish a feature from with "code generation"
  • code generation
    To classify GitLab Duo Code Suggestions into the specific sub-type we are using. Often used to distinguish a feature from with "code completion"
  • compass-blocker
    Label used to track work related to improving data integrity across gitlab (as it pertains to project Compass).
  • competitive
    Issues that are related to competing with another tool or solution identified during Competitive Roadmap Reviews
  • Features in
  • completeunverified
    An issue which has been validated, broken down, planned/designed, developed, deployed, but not verified in production. This label is being used as part of an experiment and should not be manually added/removed. See gitlab-org/developer-relations/contributor-success/team-task#382
  • completeverified
    An issue which has been validated, broken down, planned/designed, developed, deployed, and verified in production. This label is being used as part of an experiment and should not be manually added/removed. See gitlab-org/developer-relations/contributor-success/team-task#382
  • complexityhigh
    Issue with high technical complexity. Complexity does not describe the time it will likely require to address the issue, but rather the familiarity required to address it. This label is only intended as a guideline to hint to individuals how involved the issue will likely be.