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Fix MrMetricMan key checked for halted migrations

Terri Chu requested to merge tchu-fix-mr-metric-man-halted-check into master

Fix MrMetricMan which is currently reporting halted migrations as pending.

Issue was not checking the correct key in the source

Example failed migration json:

   "message"=>"MigrationWorker: migration has failed with RuntimeError:Failed to delete wikis, no retries left",



- :mag_right: pending migrations
    - <|DeleteWikisFromOriginalIndex> (in progress) started at: `2023-07-24T10:25:07.449Z`
    - <|RemoveProjectsFromMainIndex> (in progress) started at: `2023-07-26T08:22:16.361Z`
    - <|BackfillArchivedFieldInCommits> (in progress) started at: `2023-08-01T22:00:24.168Z`



- :mag_right: pending migrations
    - <|DeleteWikisFromOriginalIndex> (halted) started at: `2023-07-24T10:25:07.449Z`
    - <|RemoveProjectsFromMainIndex> (halted) started at: `2023-07-26T08:22:16.361Z`
    - <|BackfillArchivedFieldInCommits> (in progress) started at: `2023-08-01T22:00:24.168Z`

Merge request reports