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fix(tooling): Fix the update changelog script

Bob Van Landuyt requested to merge bvl-fix-update-changelog into master

This fixes the update-changelog script after the repository has moved. Instead of updating the paths, I've opted to use environment variables that CI automatically provides.

To develop on this locally, we've added an example environment file that when sourced will populate the right environment variables to run the tooling scripts.

Output locally:

(bvl-fix-update-changelog {1} U:2 ✗) labkit-ruby tools/update-changelog.rb --dry-run v0.26.0
## Changes in v0.26.0

* Extract GitLab JsonLogger into labkit
* Allow Labkit::Context to retain `false` values
* Don't allow Ruby 3 build to fail

I've also used the script to add the changelog for v0.26.0

(bvl-fix-update-changelog {1} U:2 ✗) labkit-ruby tools/update-changelog.rb v0.26.0
Updated release:

Edited by Bob Van Landuyt

Merge request reports