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Gemfile: pin graphql version to < 2.1.0

What does this MR do and why?

Resolves #338 (closed)

We are incompatible with GraphQL 2.1.0 until a fix is released, this ensures that our version never hits this 😄

  # Workaround - pin graphql version
  # see:
  # see:
  # see:
  # We can remove this check once PR 314 is merged and released
  spec.add_dependency 'graphql', '< 2.1.0'

Problem Scope

Given a policy file of (not sure if this matters, it should be the case for any GraphQL rule):

      - name: Name
            attribute: threads
            condition: less_than
            threshold: 1

Then, running bin/gitlab-triage --token "glpat-XXXXX" --source-id 50778621 --policies-file repro/policy.yml

You will receive:

$ bundle exec repro/repro                                                                                                                                                                                      *****************************************
Executing policies from repro/policy.yml.
Triaging the `50778621` project

Processing summaries & rules for issues

Gathering resources for rule: **Name**
../home/zarthus/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.0.5/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/gems/graphql-client-0.18.0/lib/graphql/client/query_typename.rb:30:in `add_typename': undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

With the merge request changes, you will receive:

Executing policies from repro/policy.yml.
Triaging the `50778621` project

Processing summaries & rules for issues

Gathering resources for rule: **Name**

* Found 1 resources...
* Filtering resources...
* Total after filtering: 1 resources
* Limiting resources...
* Total after limiting: 1 resources


Feel free to fork - you will need a valid PAT added.

Alternatively, running

bundle exec bin/gitlab-triage --token "glpat-PAT" --source-id 50778621 --policies-file policy.yml

with the above policy should also be enough.

Make sure you have the right bundle installed and such!

Request to maintainers

Please consider releasing the Gem post-merge so people can benefit from this fix :)

Edited by Jos Ahrens

Merge request reports