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Update rubocop and dependencies

Doug Stull requested to merge update-rubocop-rspec-dep into master

To keep up to date with fast moving rubocop.

  • update rubocop to 0.89.1 - keeps us away from the extreme 1.x edge and within rubocop-rspec deps which are pre 1.x
  • update rubocop-rspec
  • update rubocop-rails
  • update rubocop-performance

in a follow up MR, we'll need to default set these new cops

The following cops were added to RuboCop, but are not configured. Please set Enabled to either `true` or `false` in your `.rubocop.yml` file:
 - Layout/EmptyLinesAroundAttributeAccessor (0.83)
 - Lint/DeprecatedOpenSSLConstant (0.84)
 - Lint/DuplicateElsifCondition (0.88)
 - Lint/DuplicateRescueException (0.89)
 - Lint/EmptyConditionalBody (0.89)
 - Lint/FloatComparison (0.89)
 - Lint/MissingSuper (0.89)
 - Lint/MixedRegexpCaptureTypes (0.85)
 - Lint/OutOfRangeRegexpRef (0.89)
 - Lint/SelfAssignment (0.89)
 - Lint/TopLevelReturnWithArgument (0.89)
 - Lint/UnreachableLoop (0.89)
 - Style/AccessorGrouping (0.87)
 - Style/ArrayCoercion (0.88)
 - Style/BisectedAttrAccessor (0.87)
 - Style/CaseLikeIf (0.88)
 - Style/ExplicitBlockArgument (0.89)
 - Style/GlobalStdStream (0.89)
 - Style/HashAsLastArrayItem (0.88)
 - Style/HashLikeCase (0.88)
 - Style/OptionalBooleanParameter (0.89)
 - Style/RedundantAssignment (0.87)
 - Style/RedundantFetchBlock (0.86)
 - Style/RedundantFileExtensionInRequire (0.88)
 - Style/RedundantRegexpCharacterClass (0.85)
 - Style/RedundantRegexpEscape (0.85)
 - Style/SingleArgumentDig (0.89)
 - Style/SlicingWithRange (0.83)
 - Style/StringConcatenation (0.89)
 - Performance/AncestorsInclude (1.7)
 - Performance/BigDecimalWithNumericArgument (1.7)
 - Performance/RedundantSortBlock (1.7)
 - Performance/RedundantStringChars (1.7)
 - Performance/ReverseFirst (1.7)
 - Performance/SortReverse (1.7)
 - Performance/Squeeze (1.7)
 - Performance/StringInclude (1.7)
 - Performance/Sum (1.8)
 - RSpec/StubbedMock (1.44)
 - Rails/ActiveRecordCallbacksOrder (2.7)
 - Rails/AfterCommitOverride (2.8)
 - Rails/FindById (2.7)
 - Rails/Inquiry (2.7)
 - Rails/MailerName (2.7)
 - Rails/MatchRoute (2.7)
 - Rails/NegateInclude (2.7)
 - Rails/Pluck (2.7)
 - Rails/PluckInWhere (2.7)
 - Rails/RenderInline (2.7)
 - Rails/RenderPlainText (2.7)
 - Rails/ShortI18n (2.7)
 - Rails/SquishedSQLHeredocs (2.8)
 - Rails/WhereExists (2.7)
 - Rails/WhereNot (2.8)
For more information:
Edited by Doug Stull

Merge request reports