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Performance/FlatMap: Configure EnabledForFlattenWithoutParams: true

Peter Leitzen requested to merge pl-performance-flat-map-no-params into master

What does this MR do and why?

Configure EnabledForFlattenWithoutParams: true for Performance/FlatMap 👮 rule.

Refs #47 (comment 1212212059)

Previously, the cop only flagged the following code: { ... }.flatten(1)

With this configuration it also flags: { ... }.flatten

Although we must be cautious when fixing existing offenses it's still worth the effort/risk to enable this option.

Impact on gitlab-org/gitlab

Click to expand

app/presenters/packages/nuget/service_index_presenter.rb:38:28: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels. { |service| build_service(service) } ...
app/services/projects/apple_target_platform_detector_service.rb:53:30: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels. do |filename| ...
ee/app/models/burndown.rb:36:8: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
      .map { |issue| burndown_events_for(issue) } ...
ee/app/models/geo_node_status.rb:52:37: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels. do |replicable_class| ...
ee/app/serializers/dashboard_environments_serializer.rb:28:29: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
    environments =
ee/app/services/elastic/process_bookkeeping_service.rb:75:27: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
            keys = { |m| [redis_set_key(m), redis_score_key(m)] }.flatten
ee/lib/elastic/latest/issue_class_proxy.rb:120:35: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
        rejected_ids = do |namespace| ...
ee/spec/lib/elastic/latest/user_class_proxy_spec.rb:91:50: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
        fuzzy_keys = fuzzy_query[:bool][:should].map { |s| s[:fuzzy].keys }.flatten
ee/spec/lib/elastic/latest/user_class_proxy_spec.rb:106:52: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
          fuzzy_keys = fuzzy_query[:bool][:should].map { |s| s[:fuzzy].keys }.flatten
ee/spec/models/analytics/issues_analytics_spec.rb:24:17: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels. do |month, seed_counters| ...
ee/spec/requests/api/members_spec.rb:1145:34: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
            expect( include('group_saml_identity')
ee/spec/support/helpers/license_scanning_report_helpers.rb:5:21: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels. { |license| }.flatten.compact
ee/spec/support/shared_examples/finders/security/findings_finder_shared_examples.rb:50:79: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of collect...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
        findings = { artifact_ds => report_ds, artifact_sast => report_sast }.collect do |artifact, report| ...
lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/chain/create_deployments.rb:19:29: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/chain/ensure_environments.rb:9:29: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
lib/gitlab/ci/pipeline/chain/ensure_resource_groups.rb:9:29: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
lib/gitlab/database/query_analyzers/prevent_cross_database_modification.rb:90:63: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
          all_tables = context[:modified_tables_by_db]
lib/gitlab/diff/file_collection/base.rb:56:22: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.

lib/gitlab/instrumentation/redis_cluster_validator.rb:193:27: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
          keys = { |command| extract_keys(command) }.flatten
lib/gitlab/testing/request_inspector_middleware.rb:70:12: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of collect...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
          .collect { |k, v| [k.prepend('HTTP_'), v] } ...
lib/gitlab/usage_data_counters/hll_redis_counter.rb:254:50: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
          (start_date.to_date..end_date.to_date).map do |date| ...
lib/gitlab/usage_data_counters/hll_redis_counter.rb:261:50: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
          (start_date.to_date..end_date.to_date).map do |date| ...
qa/qa/resource/base.rb:278:34: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
                                .map { |clazz| clazz.instance_variable_get(:@attribute_names) } ...
qa/qa/tools/ci/non_empty_suites.rb:64:25: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
 do |const| ...
spec/controllers/projects/issues_controller_spec.rb:1897:27: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of collect...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
            json_response.collect { |discussion| discussion["notes"] }.flatten
spec/lib/bulk_imports/groups/stage_spec.rb:37:61: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of collect...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
      pipeline_keys =
spec/lib/bulk_imports/projects/stage_spec.rb:24:41: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of collect...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
      pipeline_keys = subject.pipelines.collect(&:keys).flatten.uniq
spec/lib/gitlab/ci/parsers/test/junit_spec.rb:475:29: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels. do |status, value| ...
spec/models/ci/pipeline_spec.rb:3278:79: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
              child_pipelines_jobs_canceled_by_ids =
spec/requests/api/graphql/ci/pipelines_spec.rb:389:34: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
      job_names = do |pipeline_data| ...
spec/requests/api/graphql/ci/pipelines_spec.rb:496:66: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
      downstream_pipelines_graphql_data = { |pip| pip['downstream']['nodes'] }.flatten
spec/requests/api/projects_spec.rb:2290:35: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
        keys = do |relation, relation_config| ...
spec/services/ci/create_pipeline_service/evaluate_runner_tags_spec.rb:123:34: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
    let(:tags) { }
spec/services/git/process_ref_changes_service_spec.rb:77:11: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
        ].map do |change| ...
spec/support/shared_examples/models/with_debian_distributions_shared_examples.rb:10:45: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
    distribution_file_paths = do |distribution| ...
spec/support/shared_examples/requests/api/graphql/issue_list_shared_examples.rb:588:21: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels. do |node| ...
spec/support/shared_examples/requests/api/graphql/issue_list_shared_examples.rb:594:14: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.
spec/support/shared_examples/requests/api/graphql/issue_list_shared_examples.rb:637:21: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels. do |node| ...
spec/support/shared_examples/requests/api/graphql/issue_list_shared_examples.rb:643:14: C: Performance/FlatMap: Use flat_map instead of map...flatten. Beware, flat_map only flattens 1 level and flatten can be used to flatten multiple levels.

29570 files inspected, 39 offenses detected

29570 files inspected, 39 offenses detected

Edited by Peter Leitzen

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