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  • Hunar Khanna's avatar
    feat: add CI pipeline to build/publish gems · 00adb6a8
    Hunar Khanna authored
    fix: update artifacts section
    fix: fix issue in script section
    fix: introduce export to suppress errors
    fix: use quotes to fix mapping errors in script section
    fix: use conventional stages
    fix: explicitly specify the states
    wip: debug ci behavior without missing stage deps
    wip: suppress noop publish stage to verify build stage first
    fix: add missing image
    wip: use whitelisted image to see if macos runner works
    feat: separate gem release into a separate component
    fix: fix and add pipelines for all relevant platforms
    fix: fix GOARCH for linux build
    feat: improve names for pipelines
    wip: add noop publish steps
    fix: fix names of dependent jobs
    feat: extract release config into a template
    fix: remove redundant todo
    wip: add more debug statements
    feat: restrict gem publish to main branch
    wip: ensure ci_commit_branch rule works as expected
    wip: verify if rule works
    feat: only allow gem release on default branch
    doc: add another todo
    refactor: extract build image as spec input
    refactor: clean up how variables are set
    fix: fix typo in shell statements
    feat: add scripts required to publish the gem
    refactor: change how platform is derived to make gem building intuitive when done locally
    doc: clarify why ruby job builds go binaries for macOS
    feat: add log statement for verification step
    feat: add warning when running ruby-platform gem on non-darwin/arm64 platforms
    doc: add comments in ci describing different jobs
    doc: update README to reflect the most recent changes
    doc: fix typo in README
    doc: remove variables section from the readme
    doc: fix typo in comments