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John Skarbek authoredJohn Skarbek authored
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- "auto-deploy"
Dealing with broken stable branches
GitLab releases depend on stable branches, as such, it's important to ensure these branches have green pipelines. The process to fix a stable branch depends on the project where the failure is.
GitLab project
If a failure in a stable branch is found:
- Search for an existent issue on the release tracker. GitLab tooling was built to automatically create incident issues when a stable branch fails so chances are one issue is already created.
- If no issue is found, create a new incident using the Broken stable branch template and follow the steps from the incident issue.
- To fix the failure, it is likely a merge request targeting the stable branch will be required on the canonical repository.
- Code changes merged into the canonical repository will be automatically propagated to the security and dev repositories via mirroring.
- The dev-on-call process can be used at any time to fix the stable branch failure.
Managed Versioning
Any other project underIf a failure in a stable branch is found, contact the respective project maintainers and ask about the failure. Optionally, the dev-on-call process can be used at any time to fix the stable branch failure.