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Includes a list of pending post-migrations in the release issue

Mayra Cabrera requested to merge include-post-migrations-in-release-issue into master

What does this MR do and why?

Add a list of pending post-migrations in the release issue, it does this by downloading the artifact with pending post-migrations and use it on the post-deploy migration classes.

Implementation details

Some context about how post-migrations info is sent to deployer (these steps were implemented on gitlab-com/gl-infra/delivery#2361 (closed)):

  1. On deployer, after the gprd-cny-migrations job, the gprd-cny-fetch-post-migartion job is executed.
  2. This job fetches the pending post-migrations and sends the information to release-tools
  3. release-tools triggers the build-post-deploy-migrations and stores the pending post-migrations in an artifact
  4. Example: gprd-cny-fetch-post-migrations on deployer / build-post-deploy-migrations on release-tools

On this MR, we extended the behavior of the post-deploy pipeline. When it's executed, it will:

  1. Download the post-migrations artifact
  2. Evaluate if there are pending post-migrations:
    • If there are it will:
      • Add a note to release-tools
      • Proceed with the execution of post-migrations
  3. If there are no post-migrations, it will do nothing.

Related to gitlab-com/gl-infra/delivery#2362 (closed) and gitlab-com/gl-infra/delivery#2364 (closed)

Author Check-list

  • [-] Has documentation been updated?
Edited by Mayra Cabrera

Merge request reports