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Put each security issue in context block in Slack message

Reuben Pereira requested to merge rp/security-pending-issues-slack-msg into master

What does this MR do and why?

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Putting each line into a separate context block avoids the problem of too much text in one block causing the message to cross the 3000 character block length limit.

This MR ensures that text added into a Slack message by Security::IssuesResult is within the 3000 character limit (Slack docs).

This ensures that the Slack message that is generated when /chatops run release merge --security is executed does not get rejected by Slack API.


Slack "section" block text can have a max of 3k chars. If the message is longer, the rest can go into another "section" block. Slack responds with 400 Bad Request if the limit is crossed. See gitlab-com/gl-infra/delivery#2145 (closed).

gitlab-com/gl-infra/delivery#2145 (closed)

Author Check-list

  • Has documentation been updated?
Edited by Reuben Pereira

Merge request reports