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Remove manual as failed status

Mayra Cabrera requested to merge remove-manual-as-failed-status into master

What does this MR do?

On gitlab-org/charts/gitlab@39d4dc4a, Charts changed its pipeline definition causing the pipeline to have a manual status instead of a success one. This one makes the auto_deploy:wait:helm job to fail since it specifically searches for a success pipeline.

2022-02-22 22:13:58.839791 D ReleaseTools::AutoDeploy::WaitForPackage -- Got pipeline status -- {:status=>"manual"}
2022-02-22 22:13:58.839863 W ReleaseTools::AutoDeploy::WaitForPackage -- Pipeline for packager was not successful -- {:pipeline=>""}
2022-02-22 22:13:58.960708 F Rake::Task -- Task failed -- Exception: SystemExit: exit

This commit removes the 'manual' status from the FAILURE_STATUSES in the pipeline class so it can be compliant with the new chart pipeline definition.

Author Check-list

  • [-] Has documentation been updated?
Edited by Mayra Cabrera

Merge request reports