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Add a delivery pushgateway

Alessio Caiazza requested to merge metrics-service into master


This is a specialized Prometheus Pushgateway designed to be used from our CI jobs.

It can easily keep track of histograms implementing an HTTP API around Prometheus metrics.


delivery-metrics is a Go software exposing an HTTP endpoint, on the /metrics path we have a standard prometheus metrics, on the /api path we have custom handlers to add data to our metrics.

Access control

The /api path requires a token to allow write operations. The token must be provided as an HTTP header named X-Private-Token.

The software compares the user provided token with the content of the AUTH_TOKEN environment variable.

Working with histograms

It is possible to add values to an histogram making a POST request to the metric observe method. The request is form-encoded and requires 2 parameters:

  • value: the observed value
  • labels: a comma separed list of label values.


curl -X POST \
	-H "X-Private-Token: MYTEST" \
	-F value=18000 \
	-F "labels=coordinator_pipeline,success" \

Local testing

$ cd metrics
$ AUTH_TOKEN="deliveryTEST" go run .
$ curl -X POST -H "X-Private-Token: deliveryTEST"  -F "labels=coordinator_pipeline,success" -F value=18000 ""


docker run --rm -it -e AUTH_TOKEN=deliveryTEST -p 2112:2112 -log-format color

Author Check-list

  • Has documentation been updated?

Closes gitlab-com/gl-infra/delivery#1857 (closed)

Edited by Robert Speicher

Merge request reports