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Remove hard-coded master strings and references from our tooling

Robert Speicher requested to merge rs-default-branch-usages into master

Part of gitlab-com/gl-infra/delivery#1440 (closed)

361084e4 - Remove default branch literal from AutoDeployPressure

f2e45caa - Remove master usage from Security::MergeTrainService

ec408ea5 - Allow specific violations of DefaultBranchLiteral

7ec13a79 - Remove uses of master in MergeRequestsValidator code

1c8dd542 - Add Release::Metadata project

This allows us to take advantage of the default_branch method and remove a DefaultBranchLiteral violation from ReleaseMetadataUploader.

3fb8790c - Resolve DefaultBranchLiteral violations in RemoteRepository

Two violations existed in the now low-level ensure_branch_exists and checkout_new_branch method signatures. As the only remaining uses were in the class's specs, we've removed the default value and made it a required keyword argument.

e99374e8 - Regenerate .rubocop_todo.yml

ReleaseTools/DefaultBranchLiteral is now enabled.

Merge request reports