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  • Alessio Caiazza's avatar
    Fix auto-deploy minimum commit detection · 98d1f4e7
    Alessio Caiazza authored
    AutoDeploy::MinimumCommit contstuctor expected a branch name as a
    parameter, the class was designed to work with an auto-deploy branch
    name, but in its only usage in the code, we were sending master, as
    the source branch for finding the next auto-deploy branch commit
    Because of this we were searching tags on release-tools with no
    filters, finding some very old tags starting with a "v"
    - v2020-11-04
    - v2020-02-28
    - v2020-02-18
    - v12.0.0-pre
    Those tags are not coordinated pipelenes, hence the system was not
    able to figure out the minimum commit.
    With this change the AutoDeploy::MinimumCommit contstuctor no longer
    requires a branch name. The class will simply find the latest tag on
    realese-tools and search for the connected package.