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Remind on Engineering Allocation required labels

Albert requested to merge 165-remind-eng-allocation-labels into master

Adds a background job to remind user to add appropriate labels for Engineering Allocation after 5 minutes.

  1. When Engineering Allocation is added without any other labels, a reminder is posted. (Screenshot shows 1 minute instead of 5 minutes for quicker testing). Screenshot_2021-09-30_at_4.06.44_PM

  2. When Engineering Allocation is added along with other labels, no reminder is posted. Screenshot_2021-09-30_at_4.06.51_PM

  3. When Engineering Allocation is added to a bug without severity label, a reminder is posted. Screenshot_2021-09-30_at_4.17.17_PM

Action items

  • When adding a new Triager, verify that it has been added to the DEFAULT_TRIAGERS in triage/triage/handler.rb in the appropriate order.
  • If applicable, identify the affected groups and how to communicate to them:
    • /cc @person_or_group =>
    • Relevant Slack channels =>
    • Week-in-review

Closes #165 (closed)

Edited by Albert

Merge request reports