`devops::deploy` issues without a category label
The following issues have been identified in the devops::deploy stage that do not have a category label. These should be applied with urgency so that important issues are not being lost track of.
- gitlab-org/gitlab#493089 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#493084 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#492551 Feature Request: Display Vulnerability Scan Results on Release Page GitLab Ultimate, customer, devopsdeploy, direction, documentation, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature
- gitlab-org/gitlab#491782 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#490701 Update dependencies for Terraform + Kubernetes example projects devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd
- gitlab-org/gitlab#490147 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#490021 Users Unable to Set Specific Environments for Group Variable Environment Scope customer, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, reproduced on GitLab.com, sectioncd, severity3, typebug
- gitlab-org/gitlab#487062 Support gRPC connections on kas.gitlab.com devopsdeploy, featureaddition, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#486878 Make deployment approvals affect jobs in downstream pipeline when the deploy job triggers a downstream pipeline GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, customer, devopsdeploy, documentation, featureaddition, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature
- gitlab-org/gitlab#486217 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#486029 Backend API for the K8s dashboard tree Category:Kubernetes Management, Deliverable, GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, devopsdeploy, documentation, featureaddition, golang, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
gitlab-org/gitlab#483290 (closed) "View job currently using resource" button produces error 500 | Jobs remain in
state following pipeline deletion Category:Continuous Integration, customer, devopsdeploy, grouppipeline execution, missed:17.4, priority2, sectionci, severity2, typebug - gitlab-org/gitlab#482877 New audit event on the first connection of an agent with a new version Category:Kubernetes Management, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#482856 (closed) Don't disable RSpec/DuplicateSpecLocation inline Category:Security Policy Management, Stretch, backend, devopsdeploy, groupsecurity policies, maintenancerefactor, sectioncd, test, typemaintenance, workflowin review
- gitlab-org/gitlab#482844 (closed) Add values support in glab cluster agent bootstrap comand Category:Kubernetes Management, GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#482732 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#482731 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#482714 (closed) Reuse Environments::StopService in AutoStopWorker Deliverable, backend, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typemaintenance, workflowin review
- gitlab-org/gitlab#482703 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#482702 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#482572 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#482571 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#482444 (closed) Error clicking "Deploy" on deployment details page for downstream pipeline deployment UX, customer, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, priority2, reproduced on GitLab.com, sectioncd, severity2, typebug
gitlab-org/gitlab#481754 (closed) Users with roles lower than Maintainer should not be listed in the
Allowed to deploy
dropdown. UX, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, priority2, sectioncd, severity2, typebug -
gitlab-org/gitlab#481413 Add a Resource Group
that functions similar tooldest_first
but sorts byjob_id
instead ofpipeline_id
GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, customer, devopsdeploy, environmentsparked, featureenhancement, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature - gitlab-org/gitlab#479139 (closed) Support self-managed instances for agent connect command devopsdeploy, featureaddition, frontend, groupenvironments, quick win, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowscheduling
- gitlab-org/gitlab#478489 (closed) Abort watch request for the pods logs when navigating away from the page UX, devopsdeploy, frontend, groupenvironments, sectioncd, severity3, typebug, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#478473 (closed) Always show Flux resource selector on the environment settings page Category:Kubernetes Management, Community contribution, GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, Technical Writing, UI text, UX, devopsdeploy, featureenhancement, frontend, groupenvironments, quick win, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowscheduling
- gitlab-org/gitlab#478379 [Feedback issue]: Kubernetes logs streaming Category:Kubernetes Management, ~"Customer feedback", devopsdeploy, featureaddition, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowproblem validation
- gitlab-org/gitlab#477851 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#477606 [Feature flag] Enable prevent_blocking_non_deployment_jobs automation:ml, breaking change, devopsdeploy, feature flag, groupenvironments, sectioncd
- gitlab-org/gitlab#477395 (closed) Finalize deploy token sharding key migration and add DB constraint Deliverable, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, maintenancescalability, sectioncd, typemaintenance, workflowin dev
- gitlab-org/gitlab#477353 Make environment a required field in deployments API breaking change, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd
- gitlab-org/gitlab#477054 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#477053 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#477052 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#476985 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#476913 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#476655 Can't associate a child pipeline with an environment automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectionci
gitlab-org/gitlab#475241 Move
to Clusters bounded context backend, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, maintenancerefactor, sectioncd, typemaintenance - gitlab-org/gitlab#475207 (closed) Technical design for the Tree view backend Category:Kubernetes Management, Deliverable, GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, ~"analytics instrumentation", devopsdeploy, documentation, featureaddition, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowready for development
- gitlab-org/gitlab#474982 Expose the Helm managed resource list for the frontend without giving access to the underlying secret Category:Kubernetes Management, GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, devopsdeploy, documentation, featureaddition, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#474542 (closed) [Feature flag] Enable enable_jira_cloud_deployment_gating backend, devopsdeploy, feature flag, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typemaintenance
- gitlab-org/gitlab#474452 Scale up/down action in Kubernetes dashboard Category:Kubernetes Management, devopsdeploy, featureaddition, frontend, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#474408 Document impact of long-living proxy requests on shutdown behavior of KAS and agentk KAS, ~"analytics instrumentation", devopsdeploy, documentation, featureaddition, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowready for development
- gitlab-org/gitlab#474340 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#474246 Allow setting an owner for the agents Category:Kubernetes Management, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#474225 Add a configuration option for Self-Managed to allow top-level CI group sharing Category:Kubernetes Management, GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowready for development
- gitlab-org/gitlab#474222 New audit event on the first connection of an agent with a new version - backend work Category:Kubernetes Management, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#474220 Top-level view of agents Category:Compliance Management, Category:Kubernetes Management, GitLab Ultimate, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#474219 Notify the agent owners that their agent is outdated Category:Kubernetes Management, GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#474113 Follow-up from "Use tailwind util classes for semantic color usage in What's New" UX, UX Paper Cuts, accessibility, automation:ml, bugux, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, severity4, typebug
- gitlab-org/gitlab#473987 (closed) Easy bootstrapping of GitLab k8s functionality Category:Kubernetes Management, GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowready for development
- gitlab-org/gitlab#473034 Audit event when accessing Terraform states Category:Infrastructure Cost Data, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#471880 Draft: AutoFlow: Challenges, opportunities, and trade-offs automation:ml, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typeignore
- gitlab-org/gitlab#471718 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#470134 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#470050 (closed) Track the opening of the Kubernetes resource panel on environments ~"analytics instrumentation", devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#469558 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#469557 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#469515 Create a dedicated GitLab service account for every agent Category:Kubernetes Management, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#469493 Members from shared projects or shared groups are not evaluated for user access to Kubernetes agent Category:Kubernetes Management, automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, priority2, sectioncd, severity3, typebug, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#468734 StateMachines::InvalidTransition in Sidekiq/Ci::ResourceGroups::AssignResourceFromResourceGroupWorkerV2 devopsdeploy, environmentsparked, groupenvironments, sectioncd, severity4, typebug
- gitlab-org/gitlab#468022 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#468021 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#467912 (closed) Select GitLab agent for environment in CI job ~"analytics instrumentation", devopsdeploy, featureaddition, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowready for development
- gitlab-org/gitlab#465174 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#464457 Investigation: fully Test KAS Cells 1.0 workflow devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, maintenancescalability, sectioncd, typemaintenance, workflowblocked
- gitlab-org/gitlab#463616 [Feature flag] Enable k8s_tree_view feature flag devopsdeploy, feature flag, featureaddition, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowscheduling
gitlab-org/gitlab#463592 Include axe checks in
feature test WGproduct accessibility, accessibility, devopsdeploy, frontend, frontend-initiative, groupenvironments, maintenancetest-gap, sectioncd, typemaintenance -
gitlab-org/gitlab#463589 Include axe checks in
feature test WGproduct accessibility, accessibility, devopsdeploy, frontend, frontend-initiative, groupenvironments, maintenancetest-gap, sectioncd, typemaintenance - gitlab-org/gitlab#463573 Extend the agent workflows section to help navigate agent features Category:Kubernetes Management, devopsdeploy, documentation, featureenhancement, groupenvironments, missed:17.1, missed:17.2, missed:17.3, missed:17.4, sectioncd, typefeature
- gitlab-org/gitlab#463538 Kubernetes Dashboard Tree View: Resource Icons UX, devopsdeploy, featureaddition, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#463338 Document Kubernetes tree view GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, Stretch, ~"analytics instrumentation", devopsdeploy, documentation, featureaddition, frontend, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowscheduling
- gitlab-org/gitlab#463337 Implement reconnect to stream for the tree view GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, UX, devopsdeploy, featureaddition, frontend, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowscheduling
- gitlab-org/gitlab#463336 Track user click on a deployment to view the branch GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, Stretch, ~"analytics instrumentation", devopsdeploy, featureaddition, frontend, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowscheduling
- gitlab-org/gitlab#463335 Render a branch with replicaSets and pods for each deployment GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, Stretch, UX, devopsdeploy, featureaddition, frontend, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowscheduling
- gitlab-org/gitlab#463334 Track the number of deployments rendered for the Tree view GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, Stretch, ~"analytics instrumentation", devopsdeploy, featureaddition, frontend, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowscheduling
- gitlab-org/gitlab#463089 Allow user to reject approved deployment UX, backend, devopsdeploy, frontend, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowproblem validation
- gitlab-org/gitlab#463034 (closed) Support migration from cert-based to agent-based cluster connections Category:Kubernetes Management, GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, devopsdeploy, direction, documentation, groupenvironments, maintenanceusability, sectioncd, typemaintenance, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#462966 Remove deprecated OpenTofu CI/CD templates breaking change, deprecation, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, workflowplanning breakdown
- gitlab-org/gitlab#462803 Follow-up from "Differentiate Agent recently connected and not recently connected" UX, bugux, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, severity4, typebug, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#461768 Add missing specs for breadcrumbs on Environment/Edit page devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, maintenancetest-gap, sectioncd, typemaintenance
- gitlab-org/gitlab#461387 Test potential latency gains from distributing KAS across multiple regions Category:Kubernetes Management, GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, devopsdeploy, documentation, featureaddition, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowscheduling
- gitlab-org/gitlab#461332 Investigate how to experimentally emit events to KAS for AutoFlow KAS, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#461311 Remove certificate based cluster integration tests devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, maintenancepipelines, sectioncd, typemaintenance
- gitlab-org/gitlab#461305 Unable to run first pipeline in projects when Auto DevOps is enabled at group level customer, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, reproduced on GitLab.com, sectioncd, severity3, typebug
- gitlab-org/gitlab#461170 Missing link on "Clean up environments" dialog Technical Writing, UI text, UX, devopsdeploy, documentation, groupenvironments, maintenanceusability, reproduced on GitLab.com, sectioncd, severity3, typemaintenance, workflowrefinement
gitlab-org/gitlab#460793 (closed) [Feature flag] Rollout of
devopsdeploy, feature flag, groupenvironments, missed:17.2, missed:17.4, sectioncd, typebug, workflowin review - gitlab-org/gitlab#460746 Docs - product feedback: Group level environment variable scoping with wildcard automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopsdeploy, featureconsolidation, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#460279 Feedback issue: Kubernetes dashboard detailed view Category:Kubernetes Management, customer, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typeignore
- gitlab-org/gitlab#463252 Contribute GitLab related use case examples to FluxCD docs Technical Writing, devopsdeploy, docs-only, featureaddition, groupenvironments, missed:17.3, missed:17.4, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#460056 Use separate rate limiter for deploy keys portion of AutocompleteController devopsdeploy, environmentsparked, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typemaintenance
- gitlab-org/gitlab#460037 Pagenation on Deploy Key list jumps between pages UX, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, maintenanceusability, sectioncd, severity4, typemaintenance
- gitlab-org/gitlab#459946 Add support to Agent for environment-specific impersonation with static identify Category:Kubernetes Management, customer, devopsdeploy, featureaddition, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#459894 Document opt-out functionality in Features REST API automation:ml, devopsdeploy, documentation, groupenvironments, sectioncd
- gitlab-org/gitlab#458891 Use ServerInfo gRPC endpoint to retrieve KAS version KAS, devopsdeploy, featureenhancement, groupenvironments, quick win, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowscheduling
- gitlab-org/gitlab#458785 (closed) Deployment details page is not mobile friendly Community contribution, UX, bugux, devopsdeploy, frontend, groupenvironments, quick win, sectioncd, severity3, typebug, usability, workflowin dev
- gitlab-org/gitlab#458304 Environment URL not included in Deployment Webhook on first deployment or when URL changes customer, customer priority6, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, reproduced on GitLab.com, sectioncd, severity3, typebug, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#457541 Allow multiple approvals for same user Technical Writing, UI text, devopsdeploy, frontend, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowscheduling
You are welcome to help improve this report.