2024-05-13 - Quad Planning Issues for Ops
Hi @gl-quality/ops-qe
Please quad-plan the following issues:
Group:- gitlab-org/gitlab#460721 (closed) New manage_runner token scope needed to allow access to /runners/:id endpoints Category:Fleet Visibility, authorization, customer, devopsverify, featureaddition, grouprunner, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#459994 (closed) XS Add sharding key YAML config to ci_builds_runner_session (1 table) Category:Fleet Visibility, Engineering Time, VerifyP1, devopsverify, estimatetiny, grouprunner, maintenancescalability, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#459984 (closed) Account for the new EE feature runner_performance_insights_for_namespace in runners resolvers Category:Fleet Visibility, GraphQL, devopsverify, grouprunner, maintenancetest-gap, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.0
- gitlab-org/gitlab#437850 (closed) Add link to Fleet dashboard to the top-level group runners page Category:Fleet Visibility, GitLab Ultimate, RunnerP1, clickhouse, devopsverify, direction, featureaddition, frontend, grouprunner, missed:16.11, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.0
- https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/36991 (confidential) ~"(confidential)" %"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#431390 (closed) Move platform selection to runners "register" step Category:Fleet Visibility, devopsverify, featureenhancement, frontend, grouprunner, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.0
- gitlab-org/gitlab#431240 Improve "Wait time to pick a job" graph in Runner Fleet dashboard Category:Fleet Visibility, GitLab Ultimate, devopsverify, featureenhancement, frontend, grouprunner, missed:16.10, missed:16.11, missed:16.8, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.0
- gitlab-org/ci-cd/runner-tools/grit#18 (closed) Linux Docker AMI for GitLab-hosted runners Category:Hosted Runners, RunnerP2, devopsverify, grouprunner, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %16.8
- gitlab-org/gitlab#424795 (closed) Display top 5 active group runners Category:Fleet Visibility, GitLab Ultimate, UX, devopsverify, direction, documentation, featureaddition, frontend, grouprunner, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.0
- gitlab-org/gitlab#424790 (closed) Visualize percentiles of estimated job wait time for group runners over 3 hours (only top-level group runners) Category:Fleet Visibility, GitLab Ultimate, UX, devopsverify, direction, documentation, featureaddition, grouprunner, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab-runner#36792 Runner Incept test for Azure Fleeting Plugin Category:Runner Core, devopsverify, grouprunner, missed:16.11, missed:16.8, sectionci, workflowin dev %17.0
- gitlab-org/gitlab-runner#36510 Runner release process should check the existence of all uploaded resources Category:Runner Core, devopsverify, grouprunner, maintenancepipelines, missed:16.10, missed:16.11, missed:16.5, missed:16.7, missed:16.9, priority2, ~"runner-distribution", runnercore, sectionci, severity2, typemaintenance, workflowin dev %17.0
- gitlab-org/gitlab#413959 (closed) Document gotchas when using https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/runners/configure_runners.html#automatically-rotate-authentication-tokens with multiple machines Category:Fleet Visibility, devopsverify, featureconsolidation, grouprunner, missed:16.11, missed:16.2, missed:16.3, missed:16.4, missed:16.5, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.0
- gitlab-org/gitlab#387937 Remove runnerPlatforms and runnerSetup GraphQL queries Category:Fleet Visibility, GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, breaking change, deprecation, devopsverify, grouprunner, maintenanceremoval, missed:15.11, missed:15.9, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %18.0
- gitlab-org/gitlab#336205 Update job stuck error message due to CI job tags not matching tags assigned to runners Beautifying our UI, Category:Fleet Visibility, Technical Writing, UI text, automation:ml, devopsverify, docsfix, grouprunner, maintenanceusability, sectionci, severity3, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab-runner#27835 Dynamically create PVC volumes with storage classes for kubernetes Category:Runner Core, Deliverable, GitLab Free, RunnerP1, blocked, critical-customer-escalation, customer, devopsverify, documentation, ~"executor::kubernetes", featureenhancement, grouprunner, missed-deliverable, missed:16.0, missed:16.1, missed:16.3, missed:16.4, missed:16.5, missed:16.6, runnercore, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.2
- gitlab-org/ci-cd/distribution/runner/self-hosted#1 Add prefix to the terraform resources [Deprecated] Category:Runner, devopsverify, grouprunner, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %13.5
- gitlab-org/gitlab#202293 Add timestamps to the CI logs for each line in the log Category:Continuous Integration, Community challenge, RunnerP1, customer, devopsverify, featureenhancement, grouprunner, missed:16.9, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#410315 Remove unencrypted runner tokens from database Category:Runner Core, database, devopsverify, feature flag, grouprunner, maintenanceremoval, missed:16.11, missed:16.2, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.0
grouppackage registry
Group:- gitlab-org/gitlab#457503 (closed) Virtual registries: cut ties with the Package Registry? Category:Package Registry, Category:Virtual Registries, Deliverable, Package:P1, devopspackage, grouppackage registry, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#451242 (closed) Investigate dependency proxy for packages performance Category:Package Registry, Category:Virtual Registries, Deliverable, Package:P1, customer, devopspackage, grouppackage registry, package:active, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.0
- gitlab-org/gitlab#435835 (closed) Create RPM package class Category:Package Registry, Deliverable, Engineering Time, Package:P1, backend, devopspackage, grouppackage registry, maintenancerefactor, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#435828 (closed) Create Composer package class Category:Package Registry, Deliverable, Engineering Time, Package:P1, backend, devopspackage, grouppackage registry, maintenancerefactor, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#409873 (closed) [container registry migration] Remove backend related code Category:Container Registry, Deliverable, Engineering Time, Package:P1, backend, devopspackage, feature flag, grouppackage registry, maintenanceremoval, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowin dev %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#383537 (closed) Make Package registry visibility "allow anyone to pull" work with group-level endpoints Category:Package Registry, Deliverable, Package:P1, backend, customer, devopspackage, featureenhancement, grouppackage registry, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.1
groupcontainer registry
Group:- gitlab-org/gitlab#460001 (closed) Replace curl with gcloud commands in GAM integration Category:Container Registry, Deliverable, Engineering Time, Package:P1, backend, backend-weight1, devopspackage, featureenhancement, frontend, frontend-weight1, gcp+gitlab integration, groupcontainer registry, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#459991 (closed) Fix failures when using CI tokens with Dependency proxy Category:Virtual Registries, devopspackage, groupcontainer registry, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowin dev %17.0
- gitlab-org/container-registry#1255 (closed) Cache top-level namespace storage usage Category:Container Registry, GitLab.com Resource Saturation, backend, database, devopspackage, golang, groupcontainer registry, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowin dev %17.0
- gitlab-org/container-registry#1241 (closed) PoC: evaluate proposed database background migration strategy Category:Container Registry, Deliverable, Package:P1, backend, devopspackage, golang, groupcontainer registry, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowin dev %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#454060 (closed) Review queries in container_repository_details_spec.rb Category:Container Registry, Deliverable, Package:P1, backend, devopspackage, groupcontainer registry, maintenanceperformance, rails, sectionci, test, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#441345 (closed) Protected containers: Show protection rules in project setting ui Community contribution, automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopsgovern, featureaddition, groupcontainer registry, sectionsec, typefeature, workflowin dev %16.10
- gitlab-org/gitlab#439684 (closed) Document three-step migration process for Helm chart installations to use the container registry metadata database Category:Container Registry, Container Registry Self-Managed Rollout::BlocksOff by Default, Deliverable, Package:P1, customer, devopspackage, documentation, groupcontainer registry, headway-self-managed-registry-db, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowin dev %17.1
- gitlab-org/container-registry#1178 (closed) Document How to Ensure that Online Garbage Collection is Healthy for Self Managed Users Category:Container Registry, Container Registry Self-Managed Rollout::BlocksOff by Default, Deliverable, Package:P1, backend, devopspackage, documentation, featureenhancement, golang, groupcontainer registry, headway-self-managed-registry-db, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#435739 (closed) GCP Integration: consolidate GCP jwt implementation Category:Container Registry, Deliverable, Package:P1, devopspackage, gcp+gitlab integration, groupcontainer registry, maintenancerefactor, priority3, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowin dev %17.0
- gitlab-org/gitlab#424367 (closed) Protected containers: Add basic model and migrations for protecting container Category:Container Registry, devopspackage, featureaddition, groupcontainer registry, missed:16.10, missed:16.11, missed:16.7, missed:16.8, missed:16.9, rails, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.0
- gitlab-org/container-registry#1102 (closed) Research and discussion: Provisioning Container Registry Database for Omnibus Category:Container Registry, Container Registry Self-Managed Rollout::BlocksOn by Default, backend, devopspackage, golang, groupcontainer registry, headway-self-managed-registry-db, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %16.4
- gitlab-org/container-registry#770 (closed) Build an implementation plan for Container Registry active database load balancing Category:Container Registry, Deliverable, Engineering Time, Package:P1, [deprecated] Accepting merge requests, backend, database, devopspackage, golang, groupcontainer registry, performance-refinement, reliability, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#331741 Allow private registry connections with the dependency proxy Category:Virtual Registries, Deliverable, Package:P1, [deprecated] Accepting merge requests, backend, customer, devopspackage, documentation, featureaddition, frontend, groupcontainer registry, ruby, sectionci, security, security-backlogreview-started, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.2
- gitlab-org/gitlab#222194 (closed) Investigate: Download counter for container images Category:Container Registry, Deliverable, Engineering Time, Package:P1, customer, devopspackage, groupcontainer registry, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.1
grouppipeline execution
Group:- gitlab-org/gitlab#460285 (closed) [Feature flag] Cleanup ci_canceling_status Category:Continuous Integration, Deliverable, GitLab Free, VerifyP1, backend, cicdactive, customer, devopsverify, direction, featureenhancement, grouppipeline execution, pipeline processing, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.1
gitlab-org/gitlab#460256 Follow-up: Add 'manual' to the
constant Category:Continuous Integration, Engineering Time, VerifyP2, automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, cicdactive, devopsverify, follow-up, grouppipeline execution, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.0 - gitlab-org/gitlab#458735 (closed) Add merge_trains field to GraphQL ProjectType Category:Merge Trains, Deliverable, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, VerifyP1, backend, cicdactive, devopsverify, direction, documentation, featureaddition, grouppipeline execution, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#458731 (closed) Create MergeTrains::Train GraphQL Resolver Category:Merge Trains, Deliverable, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, VerifyP1, backend, cicdactive, devopsverify, direction, documentation, featureaddition, grouppipeline execution, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#458730 (closed) Create MergeTrains::Train GraphQL Type Category:Merge Trains, Deliverable, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, VerifyP1, backend, cicdactive, devopsverify, direction, documentation, featureaddition, grouppipeline execution, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#458718 (closed) Create MergeTrains::Car GraphQL Type Category:Merge Trains, Deliverable, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, VerifyP1, backend, cicdactive, devopsverify, direction, documentation, featureaddition, grouppipeline execution, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#458494 (closed) XS Add project_id to ci_deleted_objects and set up sharding key config Category:Continuous Integration, Engineering Time, VerifyP1, cicdactive, devopsverify, grouppipeline execution, maintenancescalability, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#458490 (closed) XS Add sharding key YAML config to ci_stages (1 table) Category:Continuous Integration, Deliverable, Engineering Time, VerifyP1, cicdactive, devopsverify, grouppipeline execution, maintenancescalability, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#458488 (closed) XS Add sharding key YAML config to ci_builds (1 table) Category:Continuous Integration, Deliverable, Engineering Time, VerifyP1, cicdactive, devopsverify, grouppipeline execution, maintenancescalability, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#458486 (closed) XS Add sharding key YAML config to ci_pipelines (1 table) Category:Continuous Integration, Deliverable, Engineering Time, VerifyP1, cicdactive, devopsverify, grouppipeline execution, maintenancescalability, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#458485 (closed) XS Add desired sharding key YAML config to ci_pipeline_schedule_variables (1 table) Category:Continuous Integration, Deliverable, Engineering Time, VerifyP1, cicdactive, devopsverify, grouppipeline execution, maintenancescalability, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#458479 (closed) XS Add desired sharding key YAML config with backfill from ci_builds.project_id (6 tables) Category:Continuous Integration, Deliverable, Engineering Time, VerifyP1, cicdactive, devopsverify, grouppipeline execution, maintenancescalability, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.2
- gitlab-org/gitlab#457988 (closed) Hide RCA button when job is successful Category:Continuous Integration, UX, VerifyP3, devopsverify, frontend, grouppipeline execution, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowin dev %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#457606 DataIntegrityFailure error messages are obfuscating real exceptions Category:Continuous Integration, Engineering Time, Stretch, VerifyP1, ~"candidate::17.1", devopsverify, grouppipeline execution, maintenancerefactor, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#457222 Spike: Refine Job timeouts still not working Category:Continuous Integration, VerifyP1, backend, cicdactive, devopsverify, grouppipeline execution, sectionci, spike, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#446304 (closed) Use p_ci_build_names table to improve queries searching for build name (Part 2) Category:Continuous Integration, Stretch, VerifyP1, backend, cicdactive, devopsverify, grouppipeline execution, missed:16.7, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.0
- gitlab-org/gitlab#441681 (closed) MVC - Move Root Cause Analysis to Duo Chat ~"AI Feature Proposal", AI-UX, Category:Continuous Integration, VerifyP1, backend, ciroot cause analysis, cicdactive, devopsverify, grouppipeline execution, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#425062 (closed) Change the empty state for pipeline widget when no pipeline exists and Jenkins is detected Category:Continuous Integration, GitLab Free, Stretch, TW-DRIMarcel, UX, VerifyP1, cicdactive, devopsverify, documentation, frontend, grouppipeline execution, missed:16.11, missed:16.7, missed:16.8, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#421025 Replace MergeToRefService with CreateRefService for merged results pipelines and mergability check - Backend Category:Merge Trains, GitLab Premium, Stretch, VerifyP2, backend, cicdactive, devopsverify, direction, featureenhancement, grouppipeline execution, missed:16.10, missed:16.11, missed:16.9, ~"release post", release post item, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.0
- gitlab-org/gitlab#415070 (closed) Track Merge Train Usage Category:Merge Trains, VerifyP3, cicdactive, devopsverify, grouppipeline execution, instrumentation, missed:16.6, missed:16.7, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#18906 (closed) Confirmation for manual CI actions Category:Continuous Integration, Community contribution, Support Interest, TW-DRILysanne, UX, auto updated, customer, customer priority7, devopsverify, featureenhancement, frontend, frontend-weight2, grouppipeline execution, pipeline, potential proposal, release post itemin review, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.0
grouppipeline authoring
Group:- gitlab-org/gitlab#461158 (closed) Follow-up from "Add base table for Ci builds execution config" Category:Pipeline Composition, backend, devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, maintenanceperformance, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowin dev %17.1
gitlab-org/gitlab#460873 (closed) Exclude pre-release from catalog,
tag, and shorthand fetching Category:Component Catalog, Category:Pipeline Composition, devopsverify, featureenhancement, grouppipeline authoring, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.0 - gitlab-org/gitlab#460533 (closed) Spike: Investigate use of markdown in catalog project description Category:Component Catalog, Category:Pipeline Composition, Deliverable, ~"candidate::17.1", devopsverify, frontend, grouppipeline authoring, sectionci, spike, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.1
gitlab-org/gitlab#457914 (closed) [Feature flag] Rollout of
Category:Pipeline Composition, backend, devopsverify, feature flag, grouppipeline authoring, maintenanceperformance, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.1 - gitlab-org/gitlab#457797 (closed) Backend: Update feature_category to category:pipeline composition for Pipeline Creation endpoints Category:Pipeline Composition, backend, ~"candidate::17.1", devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, maintenancerefactor, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#457172 (closed) Backend: Move from YamlProcessor::FeatureFlags to Ci::Config::FeatureFlags Category:Pipeline Composition, Deliverable, backend, ~"candidate::17.1", devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, maintenancerefactor, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#456843 Spike: Refine how CI catalog component can be used across two cells Category:Component Catalog, Category:Pipeline Composition, Deliverable, backend, ~"candidate::17.1", devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, sectionci, spike, typeignore, workflowready for development %17.1
gitlab-org/gitlab#455431 (closed) Backend: Stop fetching from
and removeinputs
column Category:Component Catalog, Category:Pipeline Composition, backend, ~"candidate::17.1", devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, maintenancerefactor, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.1 - gitlab-org/gitlab#452545 (closed) Backend: Implement daily worker to aggregate last 30-day component usage data for each catalog resource Category:Component Catalog, Category:Pipeline Composition, backend, devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, missed:17.0, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.1
gitlab-org/gitlab#451509 (closed) Backend: REST API to allow service object to create/update
record Category:Component Catalog, Category:Pipeline Composition, Deliverable, api, backend, ~"candidate::17.0", devopsverify, featureaddition, grouppipeline authoring, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.0 - gitlab-org/gitlab#442067 Document vision of publishing process in the CI catalog blueprint Architecture Evolution Blueprint, Category:Pipeline Composition, devopsverify, documentation, featureenhancement, grouppipeline authoring, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.0
gitlab-org/gitlab#441266 Backend: Add sorting option for
for semver concern Category:Component Catalog, Category:Pipeline Composition, Deliverable, automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, backend, ~"candidate::17.1", devopsverify, featureenhancement, grouppipeline authoring, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.1 - gitlab-org/gitlab#439309 Document CI variables, GCP requirements, and maintainance runbook for Code Suggestion CI evaluation AI-Test Platform, Category:Pipeline Composition, Quality, Sub-DepartmentTest Platform, automation:ml, devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, maintenancepipelines, missed:16.11, missed:16.9, sectionci, teamTest and Tools Infrastructure, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.0
- gitlab-org/gitlab#437104 (closed) Convert Go template to CI component Category:Component Catalog, Category:Pipeline Composition, backend, dev-evangelism, devopsverify, featureaddition, grouppipeline authoring, missed:16.11, missed:16.9, quick win, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.0
- gitlab-org/gitlab#436385 (closed) Backend: Wrong join on Ci::Processable.not_interruptible Category:Pipeline Composition, Deliverable, SUSImpacting, backend, ~"candidate::17.1", devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, maintenanceusability, sectionci, severity4, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#435069 (closed) Backend: Improve GET Bridges API performance Category:Pipeline Composition, Deliverable, Error Budget Improvement, api, backend, bridge pipelines, ~"candidate::17.1", devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, maintenanceperformance, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#429522 (closed) Backend: E2E tests for CI Lint sha verification Category:Pipeline Composition, Deliverable, QA, backend, ~"candidate::17.1", devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, maintenancetest-gap, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#426870 (closed) Frontend: Add the optional type and description to the components tab Category:Component Catalog, Category:Pipeline Composition, Deliverable, VerifyP2, ~"candidate::17.0", design-weight1, devopsverify, featureenhancement, frontend, grouppipeline authoring, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.0
- gitlab-org/gitlab#420630 (closed) Apollo MR pipelines - Migrate pipelines_manual_actions play to GraphQL mutation jobPlay Category:Pipeline Composition, devopsverify, frontend, grouppipeline authoring, maintenancerefactor, missed:16.11, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowin dev %17.0
- gitlab-org/gitlab#393672 (closed) Frontend: Mini pipeline graph missing information about downstream jobs Category:Pipeline Composition, GitLab Free, TW-DRILysanne, UX, design-weight2, devopsverify, documentation, featureaddition, frontend, grouppipeline authoring, missed:16.5, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.2
gitlab-org/gitlab#389076 (closed) [Feature Flag] Rollout of
Category:Pipeline Composition, ~"candidate::17.1", devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, missed:16.7, missed:16.8, missed:16.9, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowin dev %17.1 - gitlab-org/gitlab#26169 Backend: Recognize .gitlab-ci.yaml for CI/CD pipeline Category:Pipeline Composition, backend, backend-weight3, devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, pipeline, potential proposal, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.0
Job URL: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/quality/triage-ops/-/jobs/6832712179
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