`devops::verify` issues without a category label
Attention @thaoyeager, @dhershkovitch, @DarrenEastman, and @jheimbuck_gl The following issues have been identified in the devops::verify stage that do not have a category label. These should be applied with urgency so that important issues are not being lost track of.
- gitlab-org/gitlab#295674 (closed) Y axis of "Duration for last 30 commits" has unclear unit of measure 'm' ~"bug", customer, devopsverify, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#295649 (closed) Proposal: Modify pre-filled variables implementation CI variables, devopsverify, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#295627 (closed) $KUBECONFIG contains file content, not path to file in GitLab CI variables section CI variables, devopsverify, sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#295494 (closed) Pipelines cannot be differentiated anymore in Admin UI admin dashboard, ~"bug", devopsverify, frontend, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops, severity4
- gitlab-org/gitlab#295487 (closed) Improve the linting on a job with needs and rules/except/only CI rules, candidate14.0, devopsverify, ~"pipeline authoring", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#295485 (closed) Pipeline status badge stuck in unknown if last commit was a tag ~"bug", devopsverify, ~"group::continuous integration", pipeline, sectionops, severity4
gitlab-org/gitlab#295300 (closed) [Feature flag] Rollout of
devopsverify, feature flag, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops - gitlab-org/gitlab#295278 (closed) Opening CI build log is super slow ~"bug", devopsverify, frontend, ~"group::continuous integration", ~"performance", priority1, sectionops, severity1
- gitlab-org/gitlab#295234 (closed) (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#295203 (closed) Refactor: Move the loading icon to the editor-tabs auto updated, automation:ml, devopsverify, frontend, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops
gitlab-org/gitlab#295190 Consider add
option in CI/CD Settings (encryped & immutable & unmaskable variables) CI variables, devopsverify, ~"feature", ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops - gitlab-org/gitlab#295048 Allow users to manually remove items from Contributed Projects automation:ml, devopsverify, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#294499 "An error occurred while fetching the pipeline." for multi-project pipeline trigger of same pipeline automation:ml, devopsverify, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#294484 (closed) Job list on Runner page no longer lists jobs with colours automation:ml, devopsverify, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#294440 (closed) Vault JSON Web Token (JWT) ref_type "environment" for GitLab Environments. automation:ml, devopsverify, ~"feature", ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#294432 Show pipeline variable override values automation:ml, devopsverify, ~"feature", featureaddition, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#294421 (closed) Can't pull image: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value Category:Container Scanning, automation:ml, ~"bug", devopsverify, ~"pipeline authoring", sectionops, severity3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#294291 Proposed API for additional claims within CI_JOB_JWT automation:ml, devopsverify, ~"feature", ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#294273 (closed) Clarify the usage of RuboCop's generated and manual todo yaml automation:ml, backend, devopsverify, documentation, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops, static code analysis
- gitlab-org/gitlab#294197 (closed) Job logs no longer load in background tabs ~"bug", customer, devopsverify, ~"feature", frontend, ~"group::continuous integration", priority2, regression, regression:13.7, sectionops, severity2, ~"team::Scalability"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#294195 Our docs note that jobs will be retried in case of failure by default, how can I tell whether a job has been retried (automatically or manually)? automation:ml, customer, devopsverify, documentation, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#294175 (closed) UX Feedback: Popups covering retried build UX, customer, devopsverify, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops
gitlab-org/gitlab#294160 (closed) Add a documentation note that knative
has deprecated the v1alpha1 API automation:ml, customer, devopsverify, documentation, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops - gitlab-org/gitlab#294028 (closed) Add Sentry Triggers for Pipeline Graph devopsverify, frontend, ~"group::verify", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#294004 (closed) [Feature flag] Enable CI build traces in GraphQL automation:ml, devopsverify, feature flag, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#293948 (closed) Spread CI minute reset workers over 8 hours instead of 3 hours backend, ~"candidate::13.8", corrective action, devopsverify, ~"feature", ~"feature::maintenance", ~"group::continuous integration", ~"performance", sectionops, severity2, workflowin review
- gitlab-org/gitlab#293913 Follow-up on AMA with GitLab CI Team auto updated, automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, devopsverify, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#293901 (closed) Deprecate/Remove pipeline total duration from the Analytics Page backend, ~"candidate::13.8", devopsverify, ~"feature", ~"feature::maintenance", frontend, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#293847 (closed) CI job page automatically scrolls to the bottom when switching tabs ~"bug", devopsverify, ~"group::continuous integration", reproduced on GitLab.com, sectionops, severity4
- gitlab-org/gitlab#293835 (closed) Add tooltips and warnings to pipeline activity graph auto updated, automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, devopsverify, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#293833 (closed) Long transaction timings for GroupDestroyWorker backend, candidate13.9, corrective action, database, devopsverify, gitlab.com, ~"group::continuous integration", infradev, sectionops, workflowready for development
- gitlab-org/gitlab#293822 REST endpoint for downloading single artifact does not consider deletion rules and ignores latest builds api, ~"bug", devopsverify, ~"group::continuous integration", priority2, sectionops, severity2
- gitlab-org/gitlab#293803 (closed) GitLab 13.6.3, "Amin Area / Jobs" page missing status color CSS automation:ml, devopsverify, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#293700 (closed) When creating a pipeline manually with Empty Variable, Variable is not assigned to pipeline as of 13.6.2 automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, ~"bug", devopsverify, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops, severity3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#293669 (closed) UI artifacts download button was lost after expire timeout for latest artifacts automation:ml, devopsverify, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#293627 Provide option to choose a environmental variable from list (Choice parameter) while building a pipeline automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, devopsverify, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#293554 (closed) Job with 'needs' dependency fail with error about expired artifacts even if the artifacts exist automation:ml, ~"bug", devopsverify, ~"group::continuous integration", pipeline, sectionops, severity4
- gitlab-org/gitlab#293037 Apply Limits to ReactiveCaching for CI integrations Application Limits, devopsverify, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops, severity3, ~"technical debt"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#293036 Apply Limits to ReactiveCaching for Ci::ListConfigVariablesService Application Limits, devopsverify, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops, severity3, ~"technical debt"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#293029 (closed) Document a Console workaround that frees a job from the appropriate resource_group when stuck devopsverify, documentation, ~"group::continuous integration", pipeline processing, sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#292843 (closed) Job Artifacts shows a message that there are artifacts to be downloaded when there are none available ~"artifacts", backend, ~"bug", devopsverify, frontend, ~"group::continuous integration", priority3, sectionops, severity3, workflowplanning breakdown
gitlab-org/gitlab#292810 Follow-up from "Restrict access to jobs that use
" devopsverify, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops - gitlab-org/gitlab#292608 (closed) not authorized to list packages with CI_JOB_TOKEN CI variables, ~"bug", devopsverify, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops, severity4
gitlab-org/gitlab#292441 (closed) [Feature Flag] Rollout of
devopsverify, feature flag, frontend, ~"group::continuous integration", missed:13.7, sectionops, workflowin dev - gitlab-org/gitlab#292254 (closed) &4124 Retro auto updated, devopsverify, sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#292057 Group CI/CD view devopsverify, ~"feature", ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#292047 (closed) Query for optimization and review the frequency of execution backend, ~"candidate::13.8", database, devopsverify, gitlab.com, ~"group::continuous integration", infradev, ~"performance", sectionops, severity1, ~"team::Scalability", workflowready for development
- gitlab-org/gitlab#291991 (closed) Scoping CI variables to missing environments automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, awaiting feedback, devopsverify, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#290732 (closed) Remove serverless code from internal Pages API ~"Accepting merge requests", devopsverify, ~"group::release", sectionops, ~"technical debt"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#290225 Allow configuring pre-collapsed sections in job logs at the end of the section devopsverify, documentation, ~"feature", ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#289947 (closed) Job count is misaligned in pipeline graph UX, ~"bug", devopsverify, ~"group::continuous integration", pipeline graphs, priority4, sectionops, severity4
- gitlab-org/gitlab#287765 (closed) Reduce number of queries being made by project.pipeline GraphQL field GraphQL, backend, devopsverify, sectionops, ~"technical debt"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#285597 (closed) Avoid copying objects from one bucket to another for CI artifacts ~"Category:Git LFS", Object Storage, devopsverify, sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#258977 (closed) Cross project arrow triangle is in the wrong position in the pipeline graph for upstream/downstream projects ~"Accepting merge requests", ~"bug", devopsverify, frontend, ~"group::continuous integration", pipeline graphs, priority4, sectionops, severity4
- gitlab-org/gitlab#255972 (closed) [Feature flag] Enable Project Transactionless Destroy candidate13.9, devopsverify, feature flag, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#247074 (closed) "Checking pipeline status" for a merge request should include the reason why the check is still in progress ~"Accepting merge requests", ~"MR related to CI", customer, devopsverify, ~"feature", ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#208770 Configure CI_JOB_TOKEN in git credential helper ~"Accepting merge requests", CI permissions, Category:Secrets Management, api, cicdplanning, devopsverify, ~"feature", ~"group::continuous integration", needs weight, sectionops, workflowplanning breakdown
- gitlab-org/gitlab#29508 (closed) The behaviour of the merge request pipelines is unclear ~"Accepting merge requests", Category:Continuous Delivery, ~"Release::P3", Technical Writing, cicdactive, depth, devopsverify, documentation, ~"group::continuous integration", sectionops, workflowready for development