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Automatically add stage and groups labels to issues based on feature & category labels

Rémy Coutable requested to merge complete-and-rename-add-team-labels into master

In the vein of #144 (closed), this change add-team-labels.yml to add team (e.g. ~Manage), stage (e.g. "devops::manage") and stage group ("group::control") labels instead and add missing data for the missing teams, stages, stage groups, and feature labels.

The file has also been renamed to add-team-stage-and-stage-group-labels.yml.


  1. Only the first detected stage/group will be applied to an issue.
  2. Stages/groups are evaluated in the order specified at That means devopsmanage will take precedence over devopsplan, devopsplan over devopscreate and so on.
    • That way we avoid adding multiple stages/groups to an issue, which would conflict with the Ensure there's a single stage label triaging rule.
  3. The rule won't apply to issues that already have a group label. That means the group label can be changed manually to reflect which group is actually working on an issue for instance.
  4. We're only applying labels to the issues created in the last 2 days so that if there's any bugs in our automatic classification, we can fix it before we remove this condition and apply labels to all issues regardless of their creation date.

Expected impact with the "creation date >= 2 days ago" restriction

› grep "^/label" ce-triage.txt | cut -d' ' -f2-4 | uniq -c

   1 ~Manage ~"devops::manage" ~"group::control"
   3 ~Plan ~"devops::plan" ~"group::team
   1 ~Create ~"devops::create" ~"group::source
   3 ~Verify ~"devops::verify" ~"group::ci
   1 ~Verify ~"devops::verify" ~"group::testing"
   3 ~Verify ~"devops::verify" ~"group::ci
   1 ~Package ~"devops::package" ~"group::package"
   1 ~Release ~"devops::release" ~"group::supporting
   1 ~Configure ~"devops::configure" ~"group::autodevops
   2 ~Serverless ~"devops::configure" ~"group::serverless
   1 ~Monitor ~"devops::monitor" ~"group::apm"
   1 ~Quality

› grep "^/label" ee-triage.txt | cut -d' ' -f2-4 | uniq -c

   1 ~Manage ~"devops::manage" ~"group::framework"
   2 ~Plan ~"devops::plan" ~"group::team
   1 ~Create ~"devops::create" ~"group::source
   6 ~Verify ~"devops::verify" ~"group::ci
   1 ~Monitor ~"devops::monitor" ~"group::apm"
   3 ~Secure ~"devops::secure" ~"group::software
   1 ~Geo ~"devops::enablement" ~"group::geo"
   2 ~Quality

Expected impact without the "creation date" restriction

From the dry runs:

Labels added CE count EE count Total
~Manage devopsmanage ~"group::access" 1,784 429 2,213
~Manage devopsmanage ~"group::measure" 851 141 992
~Plan devopsplan ~"group::team planning" 1,492 663 2,155
~Plan devopsplan ~"group::enterprise planning" 1 43 44
~Plan devopsplan ~"group::certify" 2 51 53
~Create devopscreate groupsource code 2,384 455 2,839
~Create devopscreate groupknowledge 3 0 3
~Create devopscreate ~"group::editor" 205 64 269
~Gitaly devopscreate groupgitaly 2 0 2
~Gitter devopscreate groupgitter 0 0 0
~Verify devopsverify ~"group::ci and runner" 1,449 335 1,784
~Verify devopsverify ~"group::testing" 13 45 58
~Package devopspackage ~"group::package" 138 48 186
~Release ~"devops::release" ~"group::core release" 153 59 212
~Release ~"devops::release" ~"group::supporting capabilities" 148 29 177
~Configure ~"devops::configure" ~"group::autodevops and kubernetes" 424 66 490
~Serverless ~"devops::configure" ~"group::serverless and paas" 50 1 51
~Monitor devopsmonitor ~"group::apm" 43 20 63
~Monitor devopsmonitor ~"group::health" 33 0 33
~Secure devopssecure groupstatic analysis 2 55 57
~Secure devopssecure groupdynamic analysis 3 23 26
~Secure devopssecure ~"group::software composition analysis" 8 72 80
~Defend ~"devops::defend" ~"group::runtime application security" 0 3 3
~Defend ~"devops::defend" ~"group::threat management" 0 0 0
~Defend ~"devops::defend" ~"group::application infrastructure security" 0 0 0
~Growth groupactivation 0 0 0
~Growth ~"group::adoption" 0 0 0
~Growth ~"group::upsell" 0 0 0
~Growth ~"group::retention" 0 0 0
~Growth ~"group::fulfillment" 0 0 0
~Distribution ~"devops::enablement" groupdistribution 14 3 17
~Geo ~"devops::enablement" groupgeo 13 305 318
~Memory ~"devops::enablement" ~"group::memory" 0 0 0
~"devops::enablement" ~"group::ecosystem" 146 9 155
Quality 12 7 19

To do before merging

  • Give a heads to let people know that they could receive a lot of notifications due to this new triaging rule:
    • Company call
    • Slack channels: #development, #product

Open to see the problems with the first version of the change ## Impact of the first version of the change
  1. From the dry runs that would add labels to approximately 7,519 CE issues and 2,092 EE issues.
  2. Of the 7,519 CE updated issues:
    • 824 would have two Stage labels added.
    • 19 would have three Stage labels added.
  3. Of the 2,092 EE updated issues:
    • 307 would have two Stage labels added.
    • 1 would have three Stage labels added.

Problem to solve

  1. Approximately 1,151 issues (CE + EE) would end up with multiple Stage labels, which would conflict with the Ensure there's a single stage label triaging rule that would then only keep the last Stage label added.
    • The problem is that, the next day, the Add team, stage and stage group labels for issues based on features rule would add back the multiple Stage labels and the process would continue forever until Category/Feature labels are removed so that only one Stage label could be mapped from the Category/Feature labels.

Potential solutions

  • A boring solution could be to add the auto updated label and only process issues that don't have this label so that at least we won't keep adding and removing Stage labels.
  • A smarter solution could be to select the Stage label that would "win" based on the number of labels per Stage. For instance if an issue has ldap, oauth and epics, then only the ~"devops:manage" label would be added since two Category labels (ldap and oauth) are for this stage and only one (epics) for the ~"devops:plan" stage.

We could actually implement the first solution in this MR as a first iteration, and then the second solution in the next iteration.

Closes #151 (closed).

Edited by Rémy Coutable

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