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Proposal: Mention EP team in EP weekly triage reports


As an Engineer, I personally lost track of what issues are being created for our team, what people need from us outside of OKR work.

I think it's partly due to the fact that I don't configure notifications for new issues labeled with Engineering Productivity, because this creates too much noise. One alternative to keep track of the issues would be to have a weekly digest of those issues.

It turns out we already have such a digest: the weekly triage report 🎉

What does this MR do and why?

Mention people from EP that would like to get notified about the weekly EP triage report.

Expected impact & dry-runs

See the dry-run for the policies/groups/gitlab-org/quality/ep-triage-report.yml policy:

* Title: 2023-08-04 - Triage report for "Engineering Productivity"
* Description: Hi `@dcroft` `@gl-quality/eng-prod`,
Edited by David Dieulivol

Merge request reports