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MR author can set MWPS

Jessie Young requested to merge jy-mwps-for-all into master

What does this MR do and why?

  • This was added here !1499 (merged)
  • This was a first step for a compliance change: "The ultimate goal of this control is to evidence that it’s not technically feasible for a single person to be able to make a production change. ."
  • It is not possible to approve an MR where you added one more more commits, so this goal has already been accomplished.
  • Enabling MR authors to set MWPS on MRs with all necessary approvals is more efficient. Currently, folks are often asking in Slack for others to set MWPS because the last approver forgot.
  • If we move forward, we should also comment on

Expected impact & dry-runs

These are strongly recommended to assist reviewers and reduce the time to merge your change.

See on how to perform dry-runs for new policies.

See on how to make sure a new processor can be tested.

Action items

Merge request reports