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Add initial Remote Development Workflow Triage

David O'Regan requested to merge master-patch-f85d into master

What does this MR do and why?

This MR does the following:

  • Add an initial rule for the groupide Remote Development Workflow
  • Removes our previous triage rules as they are not useful currently

Expected impact & dry-runs

These are strongly recommended to assist reviewers and reduce the time to merge your change.

See on how to perform dry-runs for new policies.

See on how to make sure a new processor can be tested.


Dry Run Output

* Total after limiting: 2 resources
The following comments would be posted for the rule **Add  ~"rd-workflow::unprioritized" to any issue that has the ~"Category:Remote Development" label and does not have any existing "rd-workflow::*" labels**:
.[DEBUG] query_api:
[DEBUG] rate_limit_infos: Rate limit remaining: 1998 (reset at 2023-06-01 06:55:57 +0000)

/label ~"rd-workflow::unprioritized"

/label ~"rd-workflow::unprioritized"

Confirmed with the board these are the correct issues:


Action items

  • (If applicable) Identify the affected groups and how to communicate to them:
    • /cc @person_or_group => oregand
    • Relevant Slack channels => g_create_ide
Edited by Chad Woolley

Merge request reports