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Use SummaryBuilder instead of IssueBuilder

Lin Jen-Shin requested to merge 1136-fix-heatmap-plugin into master

What does this MR do and why?

Use SummaryBuilder instead of IssueBuilder

In gitlab-org/ruby/gems/gitlab-triage!255 (merged) we renamed it so we need to follow the same change.

Expected impact & dry-runs

I triggered a dry-run for the schedule and I think it's working:

See on how to perform dry-runs.

Action items

  • (If applicable) Add documentation to the handbook pages for Triage Operations =>
  • (If applicable) Identify the affected groups and how to communicate to them:
    • /cc @person_or_group =>
    • Relevant Slack channels =>
    • Engineering week-in-review

Closes #1136 (closed)

Edited by Lin Jen-Shin

Merge request reports