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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.

Other labels

  • wg-isolation
    Working Group Isolation Label
  • wg_CIQueueStability
    Issues relating to the CI Queue Stability working group
  • wg_k8s-migration
    Working Group: Kubernetes Migration
  • won't do
    Obsolete or deprecated issues that won't be worked on.
  • wontfix
    Issues that will be not handled
  • work items
    Related to the Work Items feature
  • work itemsga-epics
    Must be completed for epics GA rollout.
  • work itemsga-issues
    Must be completed for GA rollout of issues
  • Items related to epics migration that should be completed prior to internal feedback.
  • Items related to migrating issues to work items that should be completed prior to any internal rollout.
  • First priority after both issues and epic work items are GA. Does not block any rollout.
  • Non-blocking work items updates that are not top priority after migration.
  • Applied when closing incomplete work because it is decided that no more will be done on an issue or epic.
  • This is a security issue that is ready to be deployed but awaiting a security release
  • workflowblocked
    Issues that are blocked until another issue has been completed
  • workflowcanary
    Merge request is deployed to the canary environment.
  • workflowcomplete
    Applied after all MRs have merged and the issue has been verified if necessary