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Simplify command for PG dump generator in CI, fail early if seeding failed and document troubleshooting

Nailia Iskhakova requested to merge ci-simplify-command-run into main


  • Update CI command for bin/generate-pg-dump $options to simplify maintenance
  • Add general troubleshooting steps when PG Dump creation job fails and output it in Slack
  • Raise seeding error early if docker exec fails
  • Posting Slack report only it report_slack passed


Example - - as seen the pipeline passed however seeding failed. This happened because if Docker exec can find the container and run the command, it returns a success status, even if the command it runs inside the container fails. So added workaround to output exit code and track it.

Also related to Monitor multi-version upgrades test stability (gitlab-org/quality/quality-engineering/team-tasks#1922 - closed) for documenting troubleshooting.

Edited by Nailia Iskhakova

Merge request reports