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Various fine tuning to the SiteSpeed pipeline

Grant Young requested to merge gy-try-no-replay-again into master

Closes !12 (merged)

MR fine tunes the SiteSpeed pipeline to make it accurate and as stable as possible:

  • WebPlayReplay has been removed after it was found to throw errors often that the real pages do not, it doesn't seem to handle dynamic JS calls well
  • SiteSpeed metrics have been changed to medians to follow what SiteSpeed themselves use when presenting summaries. p90 isn't as useful here as the data samples are too small and it just translated to the largest number, typically on the first colder run.
  • A rudimentary approach to running with the --preURL option has added to allow for browser warm up (and be more accurate for our users journeys where they will likely already have GitLab cookies and cache in their browsers). This implementation requires an additional CI variable but this will be improved in the future to be set automatically.
  • Several fixes and improvements
Edited by Grant Young

Merge request reports