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Resolve "Create protobuf file for interacting with a maven image"


This MR covers the creation of a protocol buffer file for interacting with a maven server.

The message we will send to a maven server contains the following:

  • phase: the phase(s) in the maven lifecycle we would like to call
  • pluginGoal: any plugin goals we would like to use
  • args: any maven command line arguments we would like to pass to the maven server

For example, if we want to call mvn clean install -DskipTests, the breakdown would be the following:

    |---phase---| |---args--|
mvn clean install -DskipTests

or if we want to run a specific plugin along with arguments, it would be treated as the following

    |--pluginGoal-| |-------------------------------------------args------------------------------------------------------|
mvn dependency:get  -DgroupId=org.apache.maven -DartifactId=maven-core -Dversion=2.2.1 -Dpackaging=jar -Dclassifier=sources 


  • Update docs if needed (workflow, runbooks, README, migration metrics, etc.)

Acceptance Criteria

  • Existing UTs pass locally


Closes #781 (closed) #785 (closed)

Edited by Michael Leopard

Merge request reports