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Allows us to trigger a deployment to a new env

John Skarbek requested to merge jts/trigger-deploy-for-release-env into master
  • The Release environment is being spun up to be utilized to deploy packages which are slated to be released to the community
    • Not to be confused with RC's
    • But instead packages which are built, awaiting verification, prior to publishing, example 12.10.6-ee.0
  • This moves the logic for which environments to deploy too, into a rake task where we can leverage capabilities already existing in the libraries of this repo
  • This requires a new env variable to provide us with knowledge for which environment to deploy too RELEASE_DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT
  • Adds ability to determine if this is a package that is slated to be released to the community, and sets the deployement environment to release

Addresses: gitlab-com/gl-infra/delivery#802 (closed)

Edited by GitLab Release Tools Bot

Merge request reports