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Build from Docker Distribution fork and update to v2.7.4-gitlab

Stan Hu requested to merge sh-use-gitlab-container-registry into master

v2.7.2-gitlab has the patch to enable MD5 checksums on top of v2.7.1. This change is done for a number of reasons:

  1. To prepare for future changes in the GitLab Container Registry
  2. To get the version number right (e.g. v2.7.2-gitlab instead of v2.7.1.m)
  3. To make the build consistent with the one used by the cloud-native container.

v2.7.3-gitlab updates the storage driver to use the latest Google SDK: container-registry!2 (merged)

v2.7.4-gitlab fixes an issues with v2.7.3-gitlab with non-default Google credentials: container-registry!7 (merged)

This registry upgrade hopefully will fix 0-byte upload issues:

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