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Debian/Devuan issues on init system detection

ghost-83990-987663 requested to merge unixmediasrl/omnibus-gitlab:master into master
  • Devuan GNU/Linux uses sysvinit by default but can also use upstart
  • Debian GNU/Linux uses systemd by default but can also use sysvinit or upstart
  • Devuan GNU/Linux isn't supported in runit recipe for init

For this reason with the old way to detect based on distro/version mapping gitlab-ctl reconfigure will fail and stall in an infinite loop when installing on Devuan or Debian with a non-default init system installed ( a legit config supported by both Devuan and Debian ).

For this reason i propose a better test to detect the currently configure init by checking /sbin/init file.

This merge request also add support for Devuan in runit recipe for init.

Edited by GitLab Release Tools Bot

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