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Revert "Merge branch '295-update-krb5' into 'master'"

DJ Mountney requested to merge revert-7a77e856 into master

This reverts merge request !3103 (merged)

From: gitlab-org/distribution/team-tasks#295 (comment 150331022)

Ian noted that, in some of his test builds, the healthcheck still failed. This is because the order in which the build happens seems to matter.

Kerberos is not selecting OpenSSL for libcrypto because it's available. The default for --with-crypto-impl=IMPL is to use the builtin KRB5 crypto library.

OpenSSL enters into the picture because it is required for PKINIT support. OpenSSL is available at build time, so the building doesn't fail, but the healthcheck fails because it's not listed as an explicit dependency.

Merge request reports