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Fix incorrect customer portal URL reference

Tan Le requested to merge fix-customer-portal-config into main

What does this merge request do and why?

This fixes an incorrect customer portal URL reference that causes breakages of self-managed authentications to AI Gateway. This bug was introduced as part of !561 (merged)!


This impact all self-managed users as they are unable to use the Code Suggestions feature.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Check out the main branch
  2. Ensure a local Docker image built successfully.
    docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 \
      -t ai-gateway:dev .
  3. Run a local service on Docker with auth enabled and staging customer dot URL
    docker run --platform linux/amd64 --rm \
      -p 5052:5052 \
      -e AIGW_GITLAB_URL="http://gdk.test:8080/" \
      -e AIGW_GITLAB_API_URL="http://gdk.test:8080/api/v4/" \
      -v $PWD:/app -it ai-gateway:dev
  4. Execute the follow cURL command
    curl --request POST \
      --url http://codesuggestions.gdk.test:5999/v2/completions \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --header 'X-Gitlab-Authentication-Type: oidc' \
      --data '{
      "prompt_version": 1,
      "project_path": "awesome_project",
      "project_id": 23,
      "current_file": {
        "file_name": "hello.go",
        "content_above_cursor": "func (h* HotelHandler) HandleGetHotels(c *fiber.Ctx) error {\n\thotels, err := h.Store.Hotels.GetHotels(c.Context(), nil)\n\tif err != nil {\n\t\treturn err\n\t}\n\treturn",
        "content_below_cursor": "\n}"
  5. Observe the error in the log
      "status_code": null,
      "backtrace": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File \"/app/ai_gateway/auth/\", line 99, in _fetch_well_known\n    res = requests.get(url=url, timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS)\n  File \"/opt/venv/ai-gateway-9TtSrW0h-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/\", line 73, in get\n    return request(\"get\", url, params=params, **kwargs)\n  File \"/opt/venv/ai-gateway-9TtSrW0h-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/\", line 59, in request\n    return session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs)\n  File \"/opt/venv/ai-gateway-9TtSrW0h-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/\", line 575, in request\n    prep = self.prepare_request(req)\n  File \"/opt/venv/ai-gateway-9TtSrW0h-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/\", line 486, in prepare_request\n    p.prepare(\n  File \"/opt/venv/ai-gateway-9TtSrW0h-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/\", line 368, in prepare\n    self.prepare_url(url, params)\n  File \"/opt/venv/ai-gateway-9TtSrW0h-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/\", line 439, in prepare_url\n    raise MissingSchema(\nrequests.exceptions.MissingSchema: Invalid URL '/.well-known/openid-configuration': No scheme supplied. Perhaps you meant https:///.well-known/openid-configuration?\n",
      "correlation_id": "69ac9a08ad9341219695b4f79cf282b9",
      "extra": {
        "oidc_provider": "CustomersDot"
      "logger": "exceptions",
      "level": "error",
      "type": "mlops",
      "stage": "main",
      "timestamp": "2024-01-09T02:41:56.316567Z",
      "message": "Invalid URL '/.well-known/openid-configuration': No scheme supplied. Perhaps you meant https:///.well-known/openid-configuration?"

How to set up and validate locally

  1. Check out to this merge request's branch.
  2. Ensure a local Docker image built successfully.
    docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 \
      -t ai-gateway:dev .
  3. Run a local service on Docker with auth enabled and staging customer dot URL
    docker run --platform linux/amd64 --rm \
      -p 5052:5052 \
      -e AIGW_GITLAB_URL="http://gdk.test:8080/" \
      -e AIGW_GITLAB_API_URL="http://gdk.test:8080/api/v4/" \
      -v $PWD:/app -it ai-gateway:dev
  4. Execute the follow cURL command
    curl --request POST \
      --url http://codesuggestions.gdk.test:5999/v2/completions \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --header 'X-Gitlab-Authentication-Type: oidc' \
      --data '{
      "prompt_version": 1,
      "project_path": "awesome_project",
      "project_id": 23,
      "current_file": {
        "file_name": "hello.go",
        "content_above_cursor": "func (h* HotelHandler) HandleGetHotels(c *fiber.Ctx) error {\n\thotels, err := h.Store.Hotels.GetHotels(c.Context(), nil)\n\tif err != nil {\n\t\treturn err\n\t}\n\treturn",
        "content_below_cursor": "\n}"
  5. Observe the above error does not show (user still expect to see key error since we do not use a valid key)
      "status_code": null,
      "backtrace": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File \"/app/ai_gateway/auth/\", line 99, in _fetch_well_known\n    res = requests.get(url=url, timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS)\n  File \"/opt/venv/ai-gateway-9TtSrW0h-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/\", line 73, in get\n    return request(\"get\", url, params=params, **kwargs)\n  File \"/opt/venv/ai-gateway-9TtSrW0h-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/\", line 59, in request\n    return session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs)\n  File \"/opt/venv/ai-gateway-9TtSrW0h-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/\", line 575, in request\n    prep = self.prepare_request(req)\n  File \"/opt/venv/ai-gateway-9TtSrW0h-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/\", line 486, in prepare_request\n    p.prepare(\n  File \"/opt/venv/ai-gateway-9TtSrW0h-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/\", line 368, in prepare\n    self.prepare_url(url, params)\n  File \"/opt/venv/ai-gateway-9TtSrW0h-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/\", line 439, in prepare_url\n    raise MissingSchema(\nrequests.exceptions.MissingSchema: Invalid URL '/.well-known/openid-configuration': No scheme supplied. Perhaps you meant https:///.well-known/openid-configuration?\n",
      "correlation_id": "69ac9a08ad9341219695b4f79cf282b9",
      "extra": {
        "oidc_provider": "CustomersDot"
      "logger": "exceptions",
      "level": "error",
      "type": "mlops",
      "stage": "main",
      "timestamp": "2024-01-09T02:41:56.316567Z",
      "message": "Invalid URL '/.well-known/openid-configuration': No scheme supplied. Perhaps you meant https:///.well-known/openid-configuration?"

Merge request checklist

  • Tests added for new functionality. If not, please raise an issue to follow up.
  • Documentation added/updated, if needed.
Edited by Tan Le

Merge request reports