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[Experiment] Python - Truncate suffix based on relevant context

Bruno Cardoso requested to merge exp-wrap-truncate-suffix-python-again into main

Redo of !305 (merged) as per !300 (comment 1510105955).

The description below is adapted from !305 (merged).

First iteration of

This MR wraps !300 (merged) into an Experiment by implementing the following:

  • An ExperimentRegistry to keep track of all experiments.
  • An Experiment class supporting any number of variants each with its own probability of being selected.
  • A new counter to Prometheus.
code_suggestions_experiments_total{name="exp_truncate_suffix_python",variant="0"} 5.0
code_suggestions_experiments_total{name="exp_truncate_suffix_python",variant="1"} 4.0

Proposed workflow:

  1. Implement a new experiment by adding a new file under codesuggestions/experimentation/experiments/exp_<my_new_exp>.py
  2. Register this new experiment within _experiments_provider
  3. Run the experiment by forking the behaviour of the relevant code path:
if exp := experiment_registry.get_experiment("my_new_exp"):
    # control


  1. Registration and running experiments
{"exp": "exp_truncate_suffix_python", "variants": 2, ... , "message": "registering experiment"}
{"exp": "exp_truncate_suffix_python", "variant": 0,  ... , "message": "running experiment"}
  1. Per request
Click to expand
    "url": "http://localhost:5052/v2/completions",
    "path": "/v2/completions",
    "status_code": 200,
    "method": "POST",
    "correlation_id": "cb7bd7047d2540cea5a6a8cf73d6d51b",
    "http_version": "1.1",
    "client_ip": "",
    "client_port": 52470,
    "duration_s": 6.628565332999999,
    "cpu_s": 0.5642009999999997,
    "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "model_engine": "vertex-ai",
    "model_name": "code-gecko",
    "prompt_length": 81,
    "prompt_length_stripped": 67,
    "inference_duration_s": 6.13059125,
    "suffix_length": 0,
        "comment": 1,
        "function_definition": 1
            "exp": "exp_truncate_suffix_python",
            "exp_variant": 0
    "model_output_length": 91,
    "model_output_length_stripped": 70,
    "logger": "api.access",
    "level": "info",
    "type": "mlops",
    "stage": "main",
    "timestamp": "2023-08-09T11:55:53.495457Z",
    "message": " - \"POST /v2/completions HTTP/1.1\" 200"


    "prompt_version": 1,
    "project_path": "string",
    "project_id": 0,
        "file_name": "",
        "content_above_cursor": "def hello_world():",
        "content_below_cursor": ""
            "model_engine": "vertex-ai",
            "model_name": "code-gecko",
            "lang": "python",
            "requests": 1,
            "accepts": 1,
            "errors": 0,
                    "name": "exp_A",
                    "variant": "0"
                    "name": "exp_B",
                    "variant": "1"

On Prometheus:

code_suggestions_accepts_total{exp="exp_A,exp_B",exp_variant="0,1",lang="python",model_engine="vertex-ai",model_name="code-gecko"} 1.0


  • Add a private API to start/stop experiments and select a winning variant.
  • Isolation between experiments.
Edited by Bruno Cardoso

Merge request reports