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Checkout tree-sitter-typescript to the latest working version

Bruno Cardoso requested to merge hotfix-tree-sitter-typescript into main

Trying to build fails due to recent breaking changes to that repo. This is the error:

> tree-sitter-typescript@0.20.2 build
> npm run build-typescript && npm run build-tsx

> tree-sitter-typescript@0.20.2 build-typescript
> cd typescript && npx tree-sitter generate --no-bindings

Unresolved conflict for symbol sequence:

  '<'  '>'  '<'  '>'  •  '{'  …

Possible interpretations:

  1:  '<'  '>'  (jsx_fragment  '<'  '>'  •  jsx_element_repeat1  '<'  '/'  '>')
  2:  '<'  '>'  (jsx_opening_element  '<'  '>')  •  '{'  …

Possible resolutions:

  1:  Specify a higher precedence in `jsx_fragment` than in the other rules.
  2:  Specify a higher precedence in `jsx_opening_element` than in the other rules.
  3:  Specify a left or right associativity in `jsx_opening_element`
  4:  Add a conflict for these rules: `jsx_fragment`, `jsx_opening_element`

error building tree-sitter-typescript

This MR fix our build by using the latest version of tree-sitter-typescript that doesn't fail to build.

Edited by Bruno Cardoso

Merge request reports