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feat: Add Private Runner for CI-CD builds

Andrew Newdigate requested to merge runner into main


This change adds a private runner for performing CI/CD builds for the team.

How does it work?

  1. Deploys the GitLab Runner helm chart to the ai-assist-test cluster
  2. Adds a new private runner to this project: see
  3. Adds the build tag, ai-assist-container-build for the new private runner.
  4. Adds a new node pool (min 0, max 1) of e2-standard-8 machines. These machines have 8 cores, 32GB of RAM.
  5. Switches docker image builds from Docker to Kaniko using the infrastructure template:
  6. Uses the build tag (ai-assist-container-build) to build images on the new node pool.
Edited by Andrew Newdigate

Merge request reports