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Add support to evaluate with Claude 3 Haiku

Tan Le requested to merge add-claude-3-haiku into main

What does this merge request do and why?

Add support to evaluate Duo Chat with Claude 3 Haiku.

How to set up and validate locally

  1. Ensure GCP environment variables are setup.

  2. Check out to this merge request's branch.

  3. Update the eval config with the following content.

      "beam_config": {
        "pipeline_options": {
          "runner": "DirectRunner",
          "project": "dev-ai-research-0e2f8974",
          "region": "us-central1",
          "temp_location": "gs://prompt-library/tmp/",
          "save_main_session": false
      "input_bq_table": "dev-ai-research-0e2f8974.duo_chat_external.experiment_code_generation__input_v1",
      "output_sinks": [
          "type": "bigquery",
          "path": "dev-ai-research-0e2f8974.duo_chat_experiments",
          "prefix": "tl_claude_3_haiku"
          "type": "local",
          "path": "data/output",
          "prefix": "experiment"
      "throttle_sec": 0.1,
      "batch_size": 10,
      "input_adapter": "mbpp",
      "eval_setup": {
        "answering_models": [
            "name": "duo-chat",
            "parameters": {
              "base_url": "http://gdk.test:8080"
            "prompt_template_config": {
              "templates": [
                  "name": "empty",
                  "template_path": "data/prompts/duo_chat/answering/empty.txt.example"
            "name": "claude-3-haiku",
            "prompt_template_config": {
              "templates": [
                  "name": "empty",
                  "template_path": "data/prompts/duo_chat/answering/claude-2.txt.example"
        "metrics": [
            "metric": "similarity_score"
            "metric": "independent_llm_judge",
            "evaluating_models": [
                "name": "text-bison@latest",
                "prompt_template_config": {
                  "templates": [
                      "name": "claude-2",
                      "template_path": "data/prompts/duo_chat/evaluating/claude-2.txt.example"
  4. Run the follow command to kick off the pipeline.

    ❯ poetry run promptlib duo-chat eval --test-run --sample-size 1 --config-file=data/config/duochat_eval_config.json             
    Requesting answers from claude-3-haiku: 1it [00:37, 37.60s/it]                                                                                                                                  
    Requesting answers from duo-chat: 1it [00:37, 37.61s/it]0s/it]                                                                                                                                  
    Getting evaluation from text-bison@latest: 2it [00:08,  4.17s/it]                                                                                                                               
    Calculating similarity scores: 2it [00:04,  2.14s/it]                                                                                                                                       written to BigQuery: dev-ai-research-0e2f8974:duo_chat_experiments.tl_claude_3_haiku_20240314_115243__independent_llm_judge                            written to BigQuery: dev-ai-research-0e2f8974:duo_chat_experiments.tl_claude_3_haiku_20240314_115242__similarity_score                                 written to CSV: data/output/experiment_20240314_115243__independent_llm_judge-00000-of-00001.csv                                                       written to CSV: data/output/experiment_20240314_115242__similarity_score-00000-of-00001.csv
  5. Inspect the results via BQ or local CSV.

Merge request checklist

  • I've ran the affected pipeline(s) to validate that nothing is broken.
  • Tests added for new functionality. If not, please raise an issue to follow up.
  • Documentation added/updated, if needed.

Relates to

Edited by Tan Le

Merge request reports