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  • Patrick Steinhardt's avatar
    feat: add option to derive build info from `debug.BuildInfo` · 4bdf9026
    Patrick Steinhardt authored
    Starting with Go 1.18 the Go toolchain has started to automatically
    attach build information to binaries unless `-buildvcs=false` is passed
    as an option to `go build`. This build information contains various
    pieces of information and has the benefit that it is a standardized way
    to obtain it.
    Introduce a new `WithGoBuildInformation()` option that gives callers the
    ability to pass in the build information. Right now it exposes the
    following information:
        - The commit from which the software was built from.
        - The date when the commit was committed.
        - The Go version used to build the binary.
        - The module path of the binary's main module.
        - The module version of the binary's main module.
    So it contains more information than what `WithBuildInformation()` would
    expose right now. There is some difference in behaviour though:
        - While both expose the commit the binary was built from the format
          may change. The Go build information contains the full object ID
          of the commit, whereas e.g. Gitaly would have used the result of
          `git describe` instead.
        - The old way of doing things embedded the build time instead of the
          commit time. This had the major downside though that builds are
          not reproducible and furthermore significantly slowed down build
    So it's a bit of a mixed bag, but overall it feels like the right thing
    to do to expose the build information instead of data customly embedded
    into variables at build time.
    Changelog: added