Project 'gitlab-org/labkit-ruby' was moved to 'gitlab-org/ruby/gems/labkit-ruby'. Please update any links and bookmarks that may still have the old path.
Update Ruby to 2.7.4
1 unresolved thread
1 unresolved thread
We should probably merge this together with:
Will keep in DRAFT until then.
Edited by Matthias Käppler
Merge request reports
changed milestone to %14.3
added groupcloud connector label
assigned to @mkaeppler
added Category:Cloud Connector devopssystems sectioncore platform labels
@mkaeppler All MRs linked and the main app is on 2.7.4. But it looks like we might still need to do gitaly-ruby which depends on this.
Hah, you beat me to it! Thanks @mkaeppler
requested review from @reprazent
mentioned in commit 3fa39ad3
added devopsdata stores label and removed devopssystems label
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