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ClickHouse single metrics table

Joe Shaw requested to merge clickhouse-naive-single-table into gitlab-clickhouse

Adding a single table approach to the benchmark suite for ClickHouse, avoiding joins across specific table and tags and allowing flexibility for unseen metrics.

Relates to apm#10 (closed)


  • clickhouse-single-table-naive implementation to test a naive approach with a single table as a baseline for refinement.
  • clickhouse-single-table-refined implementation to refine the single table approach so we can benchmark against naive and default ClickHouse schemas.

A few minor fixes to the Jupyter Notebook for processing, handling corner cases for number of databases/tests and differences in query results files.

Migrated to newer clickhouse-go ClickHouse Golang driver so we can use richer data types such as arrays.

Edited by Joe Shaw

Merge request reports