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Release UBI images directly from gitlab registry instead of building them in the operator pipelines and push operator and bundle images to GitLab registry

With this MR:

  • For tags the redhat-ubi-images job will be ran. It will pull an image corresponding to the APP_VERSION variable in the Makefile from gitlab registry and push it into the RedHat registry. The UBI images are being built in the ubi repo for each GitLab Runner release. Relevant MR: gitlab-org/ci-cd/gitlab-runner-ubi-images!13 (merged)
  • For tags the redhat-operator-image and redhat-operator-bundle-image jobs will be ran. They will build and push the operator and operator bundle images to the RedHat registry.
  • For all other commits, as well as the tags the upstream-operator-image and upstream-operator-bundle-image jobs will push either 0.0.1-commit_hash or the tag, which would be the actual release. As a result, for each commit we will have the images on gitlab registry for the bundle and the operator with a tag 0.0.1-commit_hash. As a follow-up MR we will publish a catalog source which will make testing each pipeline commit super easy.

Best way to test this MR:

  1. Make sure pipeline are passing and the published images are OK
  2. Install the built operator by building a CatalogSource based on the pipeline images, e.g. opm index add --bundles --tag gngeorgiev/gitlab-runner-operator-catalogsource:4cc2d172 --build-tool docker or straight up use gngeorgiev/gitlab-runner-operator-catalogsource:4cc2d172 since that's already published. Relevant job log location
kind: CatalogSource
  name: gitlab-runner-operator-catalog
  namespace: openshift-marketplace
  sourceType: grpc
  image: gngeorgiev/gitlab-runner-operator-catalogsource:4cc2d172
  displayName: Gitlab Runner Operator Catalog
  publisher: GitLab
      interval: 30m
Edited by Georgi N. Georgiev

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