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Prevent the addition of certification annotation into the CRD YAML

Romuald Atchadé requested to merge add-certificate-name-namespace-in-crd into master

Status Update - 2024-05-10

The changes implemented in !152 (merged) include the ones made in this MR making it not needed anymore. I am therefore going to close it.

Status Update - 2024-02-13

The new implementation prevent the addition of annotation on the CRD during the install.

Status Update - 2024-01-26

Regarding the ability to somehow update the CERTIFICATE_NAMESPACE and CERTIFICATE_NAME when creating a CR, unfortunately, it doesn't seem possible. 🙁

  • We utilize kustomize to generate all the required manifests for the Operator. In one of the kustomization.yaml files, the variables for namespace and namePrefix are provided. These variables are initialized through the certificate object, as specified in these instructions
  • operator-sdk, during the process of generating and bundling the Operator manifests, ignore both the Certificate and the Issuer. Consequently, after installation of GitLab Runner Operator, attempts to create a new CR fail because the kube-api cannot find the non-existent certificate/issuer.

This MR will update the installation documentation by providing the following details:

  1. For users with their own certificate provider, the ability to set custom CERTIFICATE_NAMESPACE / CERTIFICATE_NAME
  2. For other users, the manual creation of the necessary Kubernetes objects (Certificate and Issuer)
kind: Certificate
  name: gitlab-runner-serving-cert
  namespace: gitlab-runner-system
  - gitlab-runner-webhook-service.gitlab-runner-system.svc
  - gitlab-runner-webhook-service.gitlab-runner-system.svc.cluster.local
    kind: Issuer
    name: gitlab-runner-selfsigned-issuer
  secretName: webhook-server-cert
kind: Issuer
  name: gitlab-runner-selfsigned-issuer
  namespace: gitlab-runner-system
  selfSigned: {}

MR Description

When deploying the GitLab Runner Operator in a Kubernetes Cluster, the CERTIFICATE_NAMESPACE and CERTIFICATE_NAME variables default to the values set in the kustomization.yaml (namespace, name prefix).

However, if the certificate used is in a different namespace and has a different name, the operator installation fails with an error similar to the following:

kubectl create -f
Error from server (InternalError): error when retrieving the current configuration of:
Resource: ", Resource=runners", GroupVersionKind: ", Kind=Runner"
Name: "gitlab-runner", Namespace: "default"
from the server for: "gitlab-runner.yaml": Internal error occurred: error resolving resource

To avoid this issue, users should have the ability to configure the CERTIFICATE_NAMESPACE and the CERTIFICATE_NAME to be set in the CRDs

How to test this MR


Linked issue

fixes #194

Edited by Romuald Atchadé

Merge request reports